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 Lyle Workman Interview.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pixie punk Posted - 11/09/2018 : 04:11:54
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1507s&v=I1sg098s3VU At 24:19 min.Lyle describes one of his favorite top 3 recording sessions.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bedbug Posted - 03/02/2019 : 07:17:47
Lyle discusses doing the music for Crashing on HBO, which is a very good show by the way.

hammerhands Posted - 12/19/2018 : 17:40:04
Guitar Wank Episode 99.52

He doesn’t come in until halfway. There will be more episodes. No mention of The Catholics yet.
danjersey Posted - 12/09/2018 : 06:08:03
Originally posted by Bedbug

Great interview.

It’s sort of sad that we live in a world where someone merely acknowledging the existence of TOTY is noteworthy

it is sad, but it has a great soundtrack
hammerhands Posted - 12/08/2018 : 18:51:42
Lyle Workman will be on the Guitar Wank podcast sometime in the next few weeks.

Bedbug Posted - 11/12/2018 : 00:13:43
Great interview.

It’s sort of sad that we live in a world where someone merely acknowledging the existence of TOTY is noteworthy
picpic Posted - 11/09/2018 : 04:48:19
Great ! Thanks

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