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 R.I.P obituary (no flowers.)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
starmekitten Posted - 05/17/2005 : 16:11:00
write an obituary to something that has gone under the radar, or give a tribute to an existing obituary.

R.I.P. Candy cigarettes
Killed by political correctness and a sudden awareness of brand suggestion, candy cigarettes were the dogs preverbial as a kid because they
a) looked like cigarettes which was well cool and,
b) were a sweet
but as is the way of all childhood sweets they have to disappear from view or we'd have nothing to wax nostalgic about. Gone are the mojos and the sherbert dib dabs of yesteryear. And gone are those ace candy cigarettes.
So good bye candy cigarettes, those wonderful treats that would let you pretend you were a five year old having a smoke and tasted vaguely of something pretending to be sugar.

No Flowers.

(for those confused this thread is a direct rip off from the BBC news website - see herehttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4294061.stm)

I joined the cult of Tape/ Because you can't rewind CD with a biro
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TarTar Posted - 01/18/2025 : 16:33:09
David Lynch is a heavy loss. I was very into his work around the time that I was first participating in this forum around 2004. I guess it's time to finally watch Twin Peaks: The Return.

My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
Bedbug Posted - 01/16/2025 : 10:19:52
P Fluid, 24-7 Spyz
Bedbug Posted - 01/16/2025 : 10:07:09
When I logged into the forum today I had to type a line from one of his films, as it's my password.


RIP Mr. Lynch
danjersey Posted - 01/16/2025 : 09:57:21
David Lynch
Bedbug Posted - 11/26/2024 : 11:53:39
Jim Abrahams


Bedbug Posted - 10/29/2024 : 11:41:43
Teri Garr

Bedbug Posted - 10/26/2024 : 17:59:00
Phil Lesh

I was never a dead head, but I always enjoyed Phil's Box of Rain, especially his live performances.

Bedbug Posted - 09/30/2024 : 02:59:38
Dame Maggie Smith
Newo Posted - 09/29/2024 : 14:48:04
Kris Kristofferson


Allen Ginsberg says you got no soul. The ancient Egyptians say you got seven of these bastards, and Pharaohs got fourteen, what they get for being Pharaohs.
Bryanwex Posted - 09/18/2024 : 14:53:36
Стильные советы по созданию необычных видов на каждый день.
Статьи профессионалов, события, все показы и шоу.

Bedbug Posted - 07/22/2024 : 15:11:19
Bob Newhart
Bedbug Posted - 07/13/2024 : 18:16:11
Dr. Ruth

Richard Simmons
Bedbug Posted - 07/11/2024 : 09:33:54
Wendy Torrance
Bedbug Posted - 05/08/2024 : 12:50:33
danjersey Posted - 05/08/2024 : 10:09:35
Originally posted by Stevio10

Steve Albini

Stevio10 Posted - 05/08/2024 : 09:10:18
Steve Albini
pot Posted - 01/13/2024 : 22:29:46
Tony Clarkin
Never paid much attention to Magnum when I was a young metal head - that's my loss though just checking out some of their albums and live stuff on youtube and they're some band - defintely deserved way more credit than they seemed to get
pot Posted - 12/01/2023 : 08:06:13
And in the end he died with a better set of teeth than the best of us
Stevio10 Posted - 11/30/2023 : 12:20:48
Shane MacGowan. Was just thinking about him yesterday about how he had outlived many of his peers in spite of his documented health issues. Some man.
rivum Posted - 07/21/2023 : 10:48:13
tony bennet today. damn. it really felt like that dude would live forever
pot Posted - 07/20/2023 : 23:28:20
Wrong thread soz
pot Posted - 07/16/2023 : 04:33:44
Jane Birkin
Newo Posted - 05/20/2023 : 12:08:20
Martin Amis


Allen Ginsberg says you got no soul. The ancient Egyptians say you got seven of these bastards, and Pharaohs got fourteen, what they get for being Pharaohs.
Bedbug Posted - 05/19/2023 : 05:40:18
Andy Rourke
Bedbug Posted - 05/09/2023 : 14:06:42
Gordon Lightfoot
Bedbug Posted - 03/10/2023 : 04:39:47
Mystery Man
pot Posted - 03/07/2023 : 12:05:24
Gary Rossington
Stevio10 Posted - 01/22/2023 : 02:08:37
Gary Smith (Come on Pilgrim producer)
Bedbug Posted - 01/12/2023 : 18:25:52
Lisa Marie Presley
Bedbug Posted - 12/12/2022 : 18:54:55
Angelo Badalamenti
Bedbug Posted - 11/11/2022 : 09:09:48
pot Posted - 09/29/2022 : 17:17:02
The tories
Bedbug Posted - 09/29/2022 : 03:26:42
Bedbug Posted - 09/27/2022 : 19:49:39
Originally posted by danjersey

She’s always been kinda cute

Oh no doubt
danjersey Posted - 09/27/2022 : 18:55:29
She’s always been kinda cute

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