I've been a major Pixies fan since Doolittle came out (yeah, that was high school/college time for me). I am so excited that they're going to tour again!!! Frank Black is way kewl!
Did he write all of those incredible lyrics himself? Or was there collaboration with the rest of the band?
from all acounts the lyrics were his, there's the odd exception but i don't think any argues (or could argue) that he wrote the majority of the lyrics. the music too... the man is a god. and that is why we're here. we're his disciples (sp?). hmm. time for bed i think.
Hola from Yo Soy un Pistolero, You can call me luke. I started listening to Frank via the Pixies in 1998 and have become increasingly enamored with the music and lyrics that the big guy produces. F*cking brilliant as they would say over in Scotland (I spent 6 mos. there recently). Alright, shoot me a note, all yinz guys!
Adios, Pistolero
"Who's in charge here?" "Ain't you?" --Apocalypse Now