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 very bad acid trips and related stories
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 04/24/2004 :  00:09:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One summer night 8 years ago, when I was a drug-ingesting young hellraiser, I took 5 hits of white blotter and then arranged to be picked up by a friend of a friend with a car. We went over to another friends house and smoked some weed. This chilled me out till the hits started kicking in. As soon as I started tripping balls, my friends stepdad picked the door's lock and caught us smoking redhanded. I started panicking a little when we got kicked out. Then us 3 (the driver, my friend Jake, and I) parked on a deserted trail out in the country farmland of Wisconsin and the driver wanted to smoke more. But I was the only one with a sack and I was definitely not looking forward to smoking more. So instead of being cool and taking me home like I requested, this guy stole my sack and started packing bowls. I started getting really paranoid and told the guy to put in a certain CD which I had brought with me. He said no, and instead put in The Division Bell by Pink Floyd. Now usually I liked Pink Floyd as much as the next guy, but that night was an exception. I told my friend Jake that I was having a bad trip, and then my words became reality. On each beat of the bass drum in the song we were listening to, I saw red and blue lights and a police officer walking up to the car door and opening it. Each drum beat. Then in a few seconds, on each snare tap I would see a zombie run from out of the woods and jump on the car's windshield. This barrage of zombies and policemen lasted for a few minutes until I begged to be taken home. The guy dropped my friend Jake off first and then started driving me home. He had been drinking and was swerving quite a bit, which scared me alot. I was freaking out and he was laughing at me and mocking my scared pleads for him to slow down and stop driving recklessly. When I finally got home, I sat outside for a few moments and tried smoking a cigarette to calm me down, but the chirping of the crickets was driving me further down the road to insanity, so I decided to go inside and turn on a Nirvana CD. After being verbally assaulted (and insulted) by Kurt Cobain, I decided that it was time to wake up my parents for help. (I know, BAD idea). When I woke my mother up (3 am), she asked, "What's the matter"? I couldn't think of what to say, so I said, "I've been abducted by aliens". She woke up my dad and told him what I said, and then they asked me to repeat myself. I then said, "OK, i'm lying. I'm on LSD." They woke up and my mother went to get me a glass of water because I was hyperventilating from being so scared of crickets and Nirvana cursing me out (not to mention zombies and cops). I tried drinking from it, but as I watched myself in the mirror, the water came straight through the gaping hole in my neck and soaked my shirt. My dad was calling a doctor friend of his to ask for advice, and I sat down next to him and watched as his face slowly turned into little squares that fell to the ground. In a minute, his face was gone and I could see right through him. (It was an exact reproduction of a screensaver popular on old apple 2e's.) He then told me that we were going to the emergency room. On the way out the door, I saw a little blonde girl, about 3 feet tall. She was holding a dagger, and she had glowing red eyes. She said, "If you don't come down, you have to kill them all". I responded, "OK". On the way to the hospital, my dad inexplicably decided that he wanted to stop for a donut, so I remember standing in the lobby of Dunkin Donuts looking at all the old people eating donuts and drinking coffee at 4 in the morning. When we finally got to the hospital, I lied down in a hospital bed and started enjoying the shifting patterns on the curtain. I knew that I was safe, and my trip turned good again. When I was handed a valium, I faked swallowing it and kept it for later. Soon after, they released me. I spent the rest of the morning playing videogames and laughing uncontrollably which I'm sure got on my parents nerves quite a bit. I hate acid.

Edited by - klikger on 04/24/2004 00:42:47

* Dog in the Sand *

1738 Posts

Posted - 04/24/2004 :  00:19:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hate being that inebriated. I was at a friends house from work one time. We were sitting around watching tv. I didn't know the guy that well, and his friends were over and I didn't know them at all. He had sold me two hits of gel tabs (which I'd never done before.) I started tripping balls. I am by nature somewhat of a shy person. But, his friends to me started seeming really shady, and I didn't trust them a bit. I just sat on the couch for most of the night, not saying much to anybody. I know that they were teasing me, but I was too fucked up to say anything back. I couldn't think of anything remotely interesting to talk about. If I'd been around my own friends, I wouldn'tve cared but something in me prevented me from just letting go and acting like a loon like I would've done normally. Anyway, I remember getting up to go to the bathroom. I had the sensation of seeing my feet walking as though in freeze-frame. Or as though someone was flipping the light switch on and off, repeatedly. (I don't know, maybe someone was doing that just to fuck with me.) Anyway, I finally got back (after holding myself up in the bathroom for probably about twenty or thirty minutes making wierd faces at myself in the mirror and just tripping out.) When I got back, I started looking around the apartment I was in. The pattern on the wall looked vaguely like thatched straw or something, and as my friend was black, I started to imagine that I was in a straw hut in the wilds of Africa.

Take me, break me, tell me a good one and maybe I'll cry

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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 04/24/2004 :  02:14:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Once when I was sixteen, I went to a party drank way too much beer.
I really became intoxicated.
When I awoke I had the feeling I was no longer a virgin.
I felt this because of the 250lb naked female giant, that was lying next to me hugging me and smiling.

Three steps to a better life:
1) Find the off button on your television.
2) Push it.
3) Leave it like that for awhile.
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 04/25/2004 :  02:16:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Drinking excessively is bad, too. One time I drank way too much and then decided to try a bottle of Night Train (do not drink this poison under any circumstances) after listening to the Gn'R song of the same name. I woke up at 2pm the next day with a massive headache, called in sick to work, slept for another 6 hours and was still quite sick the next day. 2 day hangovers are lame.
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 04/25/2004 :  02:55:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree! Especially when spent trying to ditch a 250 pound female giant!

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2674 Posts

Posted - 04/25/2004 :  15:35:05  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
In my chemical-youngster days about six years ago my flatmate made me hold a funeral for her goldfish when I had a head full of some particularly dirty acid.

"You one of those right-wing nut outfits?" inquired the diplomatic Metzger.
Fallopian twinkled. "They accuse us of being paranoids."
"They?" inquired Metzger, twinkling also.
"Us?" asked Oedipa.
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2674 Posts

Posted - 04/25/2004 :  17:02:44  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Funny that's three times today I've heard talk of acid. Guy on a writing site I visit wrote a story about it, and at dinner today a friend asked me what it was like and when I told her how I felt about it she said she understood her aunt a little more, said one day her mother came home to find her eating coal.

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= Cult of Ray =

256 Posts

Posted - 04/25/2004 :  19:15:39  Show Profile  Visit rockmusic84's Homepage  Reply with Quote
[quote]Originally posted by klikger

I started getting really paranoid and told the guy to put in a certain CD which I had brought with me. He said no, and instead put in The Division Bell by Pink Floyd.

Awesome album, klikger, but I wouldn't want to be under the influence of anything listening to it.

Join The Cult of U-MASS - IT'S EDUCATIONAL!!!
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- FB Fan -

110 Posts

Posted - 04/25/2004 :  20:45:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've never been into drugs but I've had some bad drinking experiences. The worst was probably eating cherry bombs(cherries soaked in grain alcohol). A couple friends and myself were in a bar eating lots of these, and then drinking the grain alcohol in the little containers they came in. I got so drunk that it was the one time in my life I drove when I probably shouldn't have, but luckily I got home OK. However, an hour later, I was up puking in my sink, and when I saw all these little red pieces in the sink I thought I was puking up part of my stomach(remember I was really drunk). It wasn't until the next morning that I realized it was just pieces of cherries. Needless to say, I had a terrible hangover, and had to miss work. To this day I still can't eat cherries, as they remind me too much of that night.
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Little Black Francis
> Teenager of the Year <

3648 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  01:20:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
it's been 12 years since I first tripped...

i wish it were 12 minutes... be careful chaps, you never know
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- The Clopser -

2291 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  05:41:40  Show Profile  Visit Stuart's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ive had a few weird tripping moments, although most of the times Ive had some of the best nights of my life.

When I was at Uni in Nottingham my mates and I took a trip and whilst it was coming up we went out to the local shop to buy some food. When we got into the local shop one of my mates saw a picture of Darth Vader and couldn't stop laughing, which started all of us off. Safe to say the owner wasn't too impressed as we were just standing around like jibbering wrecks.

After we came out of the local shop we were all in high spirits, and were oblivious to the fact that we were in a rough neighborhood. We were walking along the road when we walked past 5 girls around 8 years old who were playing in the street. One of my mates said 'Alright girls' as we were walking past and all of a sudden we came under a barrage of 'fuck you, you fucking cunts' from a load of 8 year olds. In a normal state of mind this would probably come as a shock, however when you are off your tits it came like a lightning bolt. We all panicked, and ran for our lives down the road until we got around the corner. This must have looked very strange to a load of passers by.....

Another time my old man called me when I was tripping and my mate handed me the phone. I instanteous went into jibber mode then lost the power of speech.... culminating in my father asking me if I was on drugs. That was pretty scary.

'I'm the Daddy Now!' - Prison Daddy of Beijing Peoples State Penitentiary
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  08:34:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
LOL, that's the worst. One day I came home after eating an eighth of an ounce of shrooms an hour before. My parents were sitting in the living room chatting with some friends/guests. They invited me in, and I talked with them for about half an hour or so. I think I actually did OK, but I was panicking inside.
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- The Clopser -

2291 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  17:01:22  Show Profile  Visit Stuart's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Yeah that shit is bad when you have to face parents or people of authority. I once went into work after smoking a bong, and then was informed that I had to do a presentation / dish out a bollicking to some of our telecoms planners who weren't pulling their weight.... safe to say I was in for the shock of my life.

'I'm the Daddy Now!' - Prison Daddy of Beijing Peoples State Penitentiary
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> Teenager of the Year <

4307 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  17:18:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One time me and a buddy were on a bus and there was a picture of Prince Charles. We were laughing so hard we were asked to disembark. =)

My doctor told me if I wanted to lose weight I should stop buttering my Oreo's!
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  23:48:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I was a teenager I quit a few jobs because I was tripping way too hard to even think about doing actual work. I called in before I went to work to avoid a face to face confrontation. But smoking pot at work was always fine be me. I used to work at the drive-thru window at a fast food restaurant, and one time I messed up somebody's order. My eyes musta been pretty cashed, cuz the 40+ year old female customer yelled, "How stoned are you?" before driving off. That was bad for my rep with the managers there.
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2004 :  23:55:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just for the record, I do not presently use any illicit drugs and haven't for quite some time. I'm not putting my stamp of approval on my old behavior by any means, I just think some of the stories are interesting/funny/scary/pathetic enough to share.
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- The Clopser -

2291 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2004 :  04:16:31  Show Profile  Visit Stuart's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Nothing wrong with drugs mate!

'I'm the Daddy Now!' - Prison Daddy of Beijing Peoples State Penitentiary
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2674 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2004 :  05:32:34  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
I'm not too keen anymore. I used to take them cause they made me feel sensitive, witty and inspired but now I feel like that without them so they're a bit pointless for me.

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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2004 :  11:36:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All pot did in its later years with me was make me really tired and want to sleep all day and not do anything productive. And I think marijuana is a LOT better for you than any other illegal drugs.
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- A 'Fifth' Catholic -

11546 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2004 :  11:26:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I remember one mushroom trip with some friends when we all decided to split off but ended up back at my house for a cuppa...anyhoo, I switched on MTV to be greeted by Smashing Pumpkins 'Bullet With Butterfly Wings' vid(first time I saw it)and started to feel reaaaaalllllly bad!
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= Wannabe Volunteer =

15297 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2004 :  11:28:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
acid sure sounds like fun
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- A 'Fifth' Catholic -

11546 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2004 :  11:31:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've only taken acid a couple of times, but mushrooms a lot(though not for a few years now). It seems like mushrooms are more of a natural, crazy trip. I'm keepin' away from hallucinagenics-they disagree with mooded folks like me!(Don't do drugs, kids!)
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= Quote Accumulator =

1850 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  19:33:00  Show Profile  Visit IceCream's Homepage  Reply with Quote
One time I tried to take acid with two social acquaintences. Nothing happened. We came to the conclusion that my someone ripped off my friend who bought the acid.

So that was a very very dissapointing acid consumption, though I suppose there could be some honor in straight-edge.
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= Quote Accumulator =

1850 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  19:33:33  Show Profile  Visit IceCream's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Well, fake acid consumption, I mean.
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- Mr. Setlists -

1728 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  19:55:17  Show Profile  Visit TheCroutonFuton's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hmm...well I don't have any true "drug" stories but I've had not too pleasant experiences with prescription meds...If any of you take antidepressants and missed a couple of doses I think you know what I mean...

My pharmacy fucked up my antidepressant order one time and gave me too few...so I had to go without them for a couple of days. I was up for atleast 50 hours when that happened. Puking and not knowing where I was...everything blended together and I saw lots of weird things. I couldn't taste anything and I couldn't stop sweating. It was really scary. That's probably the closest I've ever come to a "trip"...

Another thing that happened was taking sleeping pills and instead of putting me to sleep they made me horribly loopy. I saw these big bananas in chef hats cooking other bananas in these little skillets. They were cannibal bananas...I'm serious.

"Freedom is a state of mind and the condition and position of your ass. Free your mind and your ass will follow." - Funkadelic
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Chris Knight
= Cult of Ray =

899 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  21:12:26  Show Profile  Visit Chris Knight's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Cannibal bananas... now there's a great band-name/song-title.
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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2004 :  10:01:14  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've always wanted to try acid, but I'm pretty convinced that due to my mental state, acid would destroy my brain. I wouldn't want that to happen. I love my brain.

Boycott cults and t's
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2004 :  15:24:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chris Knight

Cannibal bananas... now there's a great band-name/song-title.

Fucking genius. Thanks Chris!!!

Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!!
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  09:23:28  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Most people talk about the lizards. Has anyone seen words instead?

If the only tool you have is an elbow macaroni,
all your problems look like Schroedinger's cat.
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= Cult of Ray =

269 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  16:35:53  Show Profile  Visit slaveish's Homepage  Reply with Quote
advice: do acid with friends, in a fun environment like out in the woods, or at a good concert, or at someone's house with lots of art supplies!
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2004 :  00:35:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I used to eat acid I saw words all the time. They'd look like old 1920's newspaper articles and advertisements. I'd read them for quite awhile sometimes and even write them down. My parents threw out my tripping journals when they found them. :(
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2004 :  05:57:53  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Do you remember any of what you wrote down klikger?

If the only tool you have is an elbow macaroni,
all your problems look like Schroedinger's cat.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1772 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2004 :  13:18:35  Show Profile  Visit PsychicTwin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by slaveish

advice: do acid with friends, in a fun environment like out in the woods, or at a good concert, or at someone's house with lots of art supplies!

Best advice for ANYONE thinking of trying it. Don't trip alone. I have. And it was very very bad.

Edited by - PsychicTwin on 06/08/2004 13:19:43
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2004 :  01:21:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't remember anything that I wrote down. I do remember that it was all pretty much nonsense, but I wrote it down because I thought that I might be able to decipher some of it when I came down. I remember drawing quite a bit too even though I am hardly an artistic person.
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