Oh my God...I just got the "Caffeine Sampler 2.5" from www.thinkgeek.com and just drank my first Bawls..so fucking great! I just tried a "fizzling blue bawls" too..which is where you throw a penguin mint into the godly blue bottle. So fucking good....plus: More caffeine than you could throw a coffee mug at! Mmmm...bawls...
I highly recommend getting some Bawls..you will not be disapointed...and if you are..then, well, there's something wrong with you...Something horribly wrong...
www.angelfire.com/mo/frankblacktabs/images/rockandrollpower2.gif" border="0">"Join the Cult of Gunn / And Then You'll Be Destined to be a Rock and Roll Star of Epical Proportions!"
Edited by - TheCroutonFuton on 03/12/2004 16:10:55
crazy stuff. Nathan, is this a carbonated beverage? One might think with all the caffeine...Does it have so much caffffeine that it'd keep me up for days?
Join the Cult of Pi - It's just 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097....