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 London Palladium, February 6
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2025 :  03:13:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi fellow FB.netters,

Anyone else attending this show? And maybe interested in a pre-show meet up / beverage? I will be arriving in London in the early hours of the day.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2025 :  22:43:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good idea! Looking forward to the show.
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2025 :  09:14:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are you a local...? Any recommendations for a nearby place?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1088 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2025 :  06:57:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Near the Palladium theatre, there's the Clachan on Kingly Street and the Argyll Arms close to the Oxford Street station. But these are traditionnal pubs... I don't know if there are still warm places in this area of London in 2025... Anyway. I should be with my wife around there a couple of hours before the show. It would be fun to meet.


Edited by - Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo on 01/31/2025 06:58:10
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2025 :  08:39:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would be great to meet - drop me an email at nittinatti at yahoo dot co dot uk if you like (the email stored in the fb.net database is long defunct).

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2025 :  10:50:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Will likely be venturing solo, so I'm interested! Don't know London particularly well but those two pubs look very nice. I'm told Old Coffee House, The Glasshouse Stores and The Dog & Duck are worth a visit but they're a bit further out.
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2025 :  10:52:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1088 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2025 :  23:58:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Let's meet there then! We might arrive around 5h30 - 6pm. I'll be wearing a "David Bowie is not Gay" hooded sweater with the word Gay in pink. We talked about seats too, as we have two different numbers of row with my wife... But we'll see. We really hope it won't be a seated event as we want to DANCE.


Edited by - Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo on 02/02/2025 23:59:30
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2025 :  00:32:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Yeah it's seated!
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Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
451 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2025 :  00:52:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Let's meet there then! We might arrive around 5h30 - 6pm. I'll be wearing a "David Bowie is not Gay" hooded sweater with the word Gay in pink. We talked about seats too, as we have two different numbers of row with my wife... But we'll see. We really hope it won't be a seated event as we want to DANCE.


Yeah, we had to choose seats when we booked (stalls)

Here's a seating plan if you want check how close you'll be to your wife! - https://seatplan.com/london/london-palladium-theatre/seating-plan/
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2025 :  06:39:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo

Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Let's meet there then! We might arrive around 5h30 - 6pm. I'll be wearing a "David Bowie is not Gay" hooded sweater with the word Gay in pink. We talked about seats too, as we have two different numbers of row with my wife... But we'll see. We really hope it won't be a seated event as we want to DANCE.


If I catch my very early flight on Thursday I will try to be in the pub around this time as well! Not sure what I will wear, but I will look out for this hoodie.
As for the seats, it would be bad if it really is seated. What speaks against it, that all rows cost the same, but on the other hand I can’t imagine they will remove the seats…

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2025 :  00:27:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

I'll try and swing by!
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2025 :  04:12:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone need a ticket? Have one spare.
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2025 :  06:30:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just in case, I made a booking for a table at 6:00 under the name Frank Black. Not sure if it’s necessary, though, but just to be save…

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2025 :  06:49:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I shall try to swing by but might be a bit later though
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> Teenager of the Year <

2809 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2025 :  08:09:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope there is a concert film of this particular show.
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1088 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  01:05:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Despite having to seat, it was a great show!Frank is so in shape and seems so young compared to the others. I was very pleased to meet you Two Reelers, Ziggy and our Irish friend with his wife (I forgot your moniker, sorry). Let's hope we'll have new occasions to meet again. Looking forward to the next 30 years of Black takes and adventures! :)


Edited by - Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo on 02/07/2025 01:06:27
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
107 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  05:15:16  Show Profile  Visit ricj's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Just processing what I saw last night. It was a strange vibe really, being in a quite posh, all seated, theatre venue to listen to a pretty full-on, high octane rock performance. To the person in front of me who turned up in full TOTY costume, complete with crown and sunglasses, if you're reading this, thanks for making the show all about you. I initially admired your costumed dedication but ultimately you just kind of ruined it for me and the others unfortunate enough to be sitting around you. In your own mind, you appeared to envisage yourself as some kind of hype-man for the show, delivering a frenzied performance that everyone in the venue would love. But in reality, you just made it impossible to focus on the show with your relentless, unhinged wild gesticulations towards the stage, the crowd and people around you during every single song despite the best efforts of venue staff telling to sit/calm down....

In a normal gig situation I'd have been able to move even a few feet away from this cretin but as it was a seated show and he was the only one standing/jumping/flailing/miming/spasming, I was stuck with his silhouette accompanying proceedings throughout...

I was able to move for the final three songs which included Every Time I Go Around here (one of my all time favourites and something I could only ever have dreamed of hearing live) so that went a long way to saving the night for me. But from what I COULD gather from the rest of the evening, FB seemed to be having a great time and was quite chatty in-between songs. Not sure if it was just me but Lyle seemed to be having a bit of an off night at times? Maybe it's just because I've spent the last 20 years watching videos and listening to bootlegs of his flawless, virtuoso-tastic playing but he seemed a bit sloppy last night. The only thing I took on my phone appears to capture this but see what you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmA7l98x4Pc
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= Cult of Ray =

637 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  05:28:06  Show Profile  Visit yarbles's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hey all, it was a great show last night. Kinda weird that it was seated, but in the end it was a great night. I happened to be front row center, and although it was strange feeling like I was just sitting in a chair with only the band right in front of me, it was pretty unique and awesome to just sit back and take it all in.

Anyway, since I was sitting there and it seemed no one around was going to stand up, seemed like the ideal situation to take out my phone, and record from the chest so to speak, not having to lift a screen up and annoy people behind me by holding a phone in front of them for 90 minutes.... I recorded the whole show. it's on youtube here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKp-NivaBS_Kmm-MC0P9LL5o2tn6oUWFM&si=zLRYTUxD9Cpu_XxW

It was a truly wondeful night, from where I was sitting the crowd was loving it, and Charles and company looked to be enjoying their night on stage. I sure hope we get more Frank Black tours in the future, it's a shame these songs don't get played live hardly at all anymore.
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1088 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  06:31:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by yarbles

Hey all, it was a great show last night. Kinda weird that it was seated, but in the end it was a great night. I happened to be front row center, and although it was strange feeling like I was just sitting in a chair with only the band right in front of me, it was pretty unique and awesome to just sit back and take it all in.

Anyway, since I was sitting there and it seemed no one around was going to stand up, seemed like the ideal situation to take out my phone, and record from the chest so to speak, not having to lift a screen up and annoy people behind me by holding a phone in front of them for 90 minutes.... I recorded the whole show. it's on youtube here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKp-NivaBS_Kmm-MC0P9LL5o2tn6oUWFM&si=zLRYTUxD9Cpu_XxW

It was a truly wondeful night, from where I was sitting the crowd was loving it, and Charles and company looked to be enjoying their night on stage. I sure hope we get more Frank Black tours in the future, it's a shame these songs don't get played live hardly at all anymore.

Thanks! #128521;

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> Teenager of the Year <

3229 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  10:07:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Magnificent videos Yarbles, thank you so much

The vocalization he does on Abstract is amazing
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  11:14:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It was a very good show, but whoever booked this into a seated theater should be prosecuted. I know that I am old, and the amount of silver and white hair, or no hair at all, at the stage and in the audience was overwhelming, but above its cultural significance and positive nostalgia, after all this is a hard-hitting rock event. I am afraid that I was one of the very few who jumped out of the seat and danced for several of the songs (although I did not dress up in a white jumper and golden crown). Unfortunately very few did follow, despite they obviously felt like it - it was somewhat bizarre to see a wave of white and silver heads rocking back and forth, but still confined in their seats as they would be tied or paralyzed from the neck down - like straight out of a Samuel Beckett play.
Another disadvantage of the Palladium for rock concerts seems to be its poor acoustics - I had a seat far back and the sound reminded me of watching a phone-recorded show on a phone. It seems to be much better in the front, as ironically some YouTube-videos suggest.
But putting these comments/complaints aside, as said before, the show was very good. Splendid musicians and performers, as always with Frank. My highlights were Los Angeles, Freedom Rock, Headache, and of course Two Reelers. Nice lighting and visual effects. I could not detect any significant off-playing from Lyle, but Frank still seemed to be a bit hoarse from the cold/flue which reportedly ran through the band. EDF had a most un-emotional, almost robotic and absent appearance, but it did not affect his playing at all.
To see this particular show meant really a lot to me - this is somehow what I intended to express with “positive nostalgia” above. I mean, 30 years are a long time, and as with anyone, including Frank and the band, a lot happened in these decades. That we are still alive and could come together to celebrate these very special and unique songs, which we love so much, 30 years later, is very touching and heartwarming. To connect with other passionate devotees prior to the show, and to have engaged and inspiring conversations on music and beyond, adds even more to that. (Joseph//Anna(?),Mike(?)/Loretta, if you want me to send you our group picture, a functioning contact email address of mine is somewhere above in this thread).

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1030 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  14:35:14  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers
EDF had a most un-emotional, almost robotic and absent appearance, but it did not affect his playing at all.

I don't want to say anything unkind, but me and my friends thought EDF had the most strange, zombie stage presence (or lack of), and my friend actually commented to me that he "seemed drunk." He did not smile the entire show, he barely moved except the bare minimum of his fingers on the instruments, he had one dour expression the entire night. It was such a strange way to see somebody play some of the most insane energetic creative rock music I've ever been a fan of. Compare to Lyle who was working the crowd, smiling, singing along, dancing and being hilarious all night.
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peter radiator
= Cult of Ray =

665 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2025 :  15:43:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

Originally posted by two reelers
EDF had a most un-emotional, almost robotic and absent appearance, but it did not affect his playing at all.

I don't want to say anything unkind, but me and my friends thought EDF had the most strange, zombie stage presence (or lack of), and my friend actually commented to me that he "seemed drunk." He did not smile the entire show, he barely moved except the bare minimum of his fingers on the instruments, he had one dour expression the entire night. It was such a strange way to see somebody play some of the most insane energetic creative rock music I've ever been a fan of. Compare to Lyle who was working the crowd, smiling, singing along, dancing and being hilarious all night.

For what it's worth, EDF has pretty much always had a fairly stoic presence on stage, anytime I have seen him perform (either in person, or on video / film), going back several decades.

He's also 10 years older than Charles, and I don't mean to get too personal with all of this, but I believe he suffers from Type 1 Diabetes.

But in addition to all that, EDF was hit HARD by the flu back in the states. In Detroit he seemed nauseous, dizzy and INCREDIBLY weak. It was clearly hard for him to stand and he walked slowly and with great difficulty.

I got the feeling there may have been some issues with his vision, which would also explain his slow and careful steps and the fumbling with his instruments.

There was a bit of a protective vibe surrounding him from the others on stage.

However, he played GREAT -- especially considering how distracted and woozy he seemed to be.

I am wishing him a speedy (Marie) recovery.


"Rebuilding Western North Carolina Through Song"

Check out my Indie record Label!


Edited by - peter radiator on 02/07/2025 15:45:05
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= Cult of Ray =

516 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2025 :  00:56:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am nothing but grateful for this show. To see FB and the original band perform TOTY in such a fabulous venue was a treat.
The fact we got 4/5 great cuts from the self titled preceding album was a wonderful surprise.
The performance from all members was excellent.
I did see the dancing crowd in the royal circle but I find it hard to be annoyed at people so clearly ecstatic at what they were witnessing.
I may have found that easier if they were in my line of vision.
I’ve seen Frank perform in many guises over the last 30 years and I have to say he looked to be enjoying this immensely.
The band were super tight, Lyle and NV were incredible and EDF and Rob Laufer had tricky jobs interchanges between bass and keys. EDF’s spoken word piece and Laufers bass on Ole Mulholland was a highlight for me.
Great night. Shoutout to pale white, their drummer is possessed by the ghost of Keith Moon and they singer is very talented.
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Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
451 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2025 :  02:03:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wasn't expecting it but Ole Mulholland was probably the biggest highlight for me.

Ha yeah, possessed is a great description of the Pale White drummer! All three members looked like they had been taken from different bands.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1355 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2025 :  14:29:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo

Despite having to seat, it was a great show!Frank is so in shape and seems so young compared to the others. I was very pleased to meet you Two Reelers, Ziggy and our Irish friend with his wife (I forgot your moniker, sorry). Let's hope we'll have new occasions to meet again. Looking forward to the next 30 years of Black takes and adventures! :)


Ha that was me! Fantastic to meet you, your wife and two reelers. It was a great to have a good old chat about all things Frank Black and share our stories about how we go into his music and why we connect with it so hard. It definitely made the night extra special for me so thanks to two reelers for suggesting it.

The only downer was on the way home my wife said to me she thought I was a hard core FB fan. But Joey was real hard hard core. I was huffing and puffing all the way home

Edited by - Sprite on 02/08/2025 14:36:53
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* Dog in the Sand *

1355 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2025 :  15:01:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As to the show I was real happy bunny. In fact as I soon as I arrived and saw the big banner with 4 bright screen with posters either side of the venue I was already getting serious jitter. We were 3rd to the front just on the side. Emma Richardson was a few rows behind me. Initially I was a bit disappointed with the seating but actually I kinda enjoyed it in the end. The folk around me were clearly big fans of the record singing and rocking away in their seats. The sound was great where we were but then again we were pretty close. The venue is really beautiful and bigger than I expected so I think it was well suited to such a majestic record.

The band were so tight. I've seen the Pixies many many times and you know being honest sometimes Joey struggles a bit to replicate the solos. I presumed TOTY was a harder record to replicate live. But the playing was out of this world. And to see Nick Vincent, Lyle and Rob with beaming smiles and sometimes singing the words now and then it was just emphasized for me what a special record this is. My wife was super impressed with Frank's singing after seeing him many times over the years in different guises. EDF did look ill to me, I hope he's not suffering too much. Him and Frank are a match made in heaven.

Yarbles I cannot believe you made the video. Thanks so much for doing that. I went straight for Ramona to see Lyle walk to the edge of the stage for the solo looking up at the boxes.

A very special night I will never forget. Even better than seeing the reformed Pixies in 2004 in Brixton. .
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2025 :  23:37:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lovely to meet fellow forum members before the show!

A genuinely great performance. What a band. Charles in fine voice and clearly enjoying himself.

Sound wise - was sat in Row A and it sounded good (although keyboards seemed quite low in the mix). Was interesting to see how the 'silent stage' with no amps worked in practice. Charles' guitar seemed too quiet at the start of Freedom Rock and then a fader was quickly pushed up.

It was absolute treat to see Lyle play and recreate those amazing guitar parts.

Edited by - Ziggy on 02/09/2025 23:44:10
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1088 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2025 :  00:55:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At the end of the show, my eyes locked with Tom Dalgety’s. A dark, knowing look — as if he could read my mind. As if he knew exactly what I thought of him: a guy who was great at producing demos…
Twenty-nine years after my first Frank Black show in London (on July 16, 1996), where he played a Pixies song again for the first time ("Wave of Mutilation"), I was there, in this fancy, Elizabethan-lookalike theater, forced to remain seated while listening to a fantastic collection of ‘obscure things from the past’, as Frank Black himself had described his solo work in 2016. I was far from done with adult matters, having just turned forty-five. I should have been the Pixies’ producer. Not him. Me. Or at least their new bassist — if only I’d had the balls to make my gender transition in time… Emma Richardson was there too. With her dyed hair and towering frame, she could have passed for a trans woman.

I considered writing a review of Thursday’s show, but as I told Two Reelers, Sprite, and his wife, attending this concert was, for me, meant to be the trigger for starting an in-depth self-analysis — from 1996 to today.
The few lines above could roughly be the beginning of an autobiographical essay, tentatively titled "Cet obscur objet du passé (et autres véhicules d’occasion)", An obscure thing from the past (followed by used cars) — a nod to Luis Buñuel and those infamous quotes from Frank Black Francis. “Used cars” was how he once described Pixies songs around the time Death to the Pixies was released.

This essay—or novel—would be a musical journey, told mostly from my perspective as a devoted admirer (or real hard hard core fan) of the Pixies and Frank Black. :) Now, I just have to try hard and hope I can make it.

As Two Reelers asked, feel free to send me the pictures that were taken of us in front of the venue, Sprite. You can reach me at thesupercherries [at] gmail [dot] com.
Take care, everyone!

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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
161 Posts

Posted - 02/11/2025 :  06:17:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Years since I’ve been on this forum ! Glad to make it to the Palladium , really liked that everyone was seated so I could just listen and watch them play all those amazing weird songs. And yes the guy dressed up like the album cover was/is a complete cunt who can’t handle a few beers or people politely telling him to sit down. I left my seat after 4 songs to watch from behind the sound desk so the distraction was gone.

I found his current voice worked perfectly with the old FB material compared to all the new/old pixies stuff. Also Frank’s guitar was too quiet. Anyway …

I know the new Pixies is a great earner and clear retirement plan for all involved but i don’t have much interest anymore.
Please stay as Frank Black
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
161 Posts

Posted - 02/11/2025 :  06:23:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Agree with Joey re the Tom Dalgety comment above. The Indie Cindy production beats any of the last few albums by a mile. But I understand making a record is sometimes about a good working relationship rather than sound quality.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1355 Posts

Posted - 02/11/2025 :  14:04:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo

At the end of the show, my eyes locked with Tom Dalgety’s. A dark, knowing look — as if he could read my mind. As if he knew exactly what I thought of him: a guy who was great at producing demos…
(followed by used cars)

Surely fazer eyes? [Having said that I don't know if 'fazer eyes' is supposed to mean derision or respect].
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