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* Dog in the Sand *
1037 Posts |
Posted - 04/04/2017 : 07:28:55
quote: Originally posted by picpic
What's your greatest achievement playing BF tunes ?
__ "Service Unavailable"
Where is My Mind?
One of the first, if not the first Pixies songs I learned years ago when I realized I better learn songs instead of playing the same scale over and over and over.
It was quite satisfying to play the riff and to slide around during the verses and of course, great fun in varying how I play it, sometimes doing it the Catholics way where Frank would mute some chords, sometimes just repeating a note or two from the riff before playing the whole thing.
It's also just a fun riff to play around with.
Once years ago I was at a bar playing with some people, an informal guitar jam meetup, amazingly fun, and towards the end of the night I noodled around with the riff. This random guy at the bar recognized it, wandered over, borrowed another guitar and just solo'd like crazy while I played the rhythm, it went on and on, a lot of fun!
Accepting how I play instead of holding myself to some crazy standard was very liberating as well. You like how I play fine, if not, that's fine too, I'm enjoying myself. Ironically, I improved the most after this realization, not worrying about playing the song perfectly was liberating, I let go and felt the music. I still am improving, there's a lot to learn on the guitar and it's fun doing so.