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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2020 :  08:32:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
An outstanding song on an outstanding album.

COR is for sure the most underrated of the man's albums. After Pixies and up to TOTY, Frank was the godfather of alternative / quirkiness rock. Then COR seemed to willfully destroy this legacy with its embrace of 70ies rock. But of course only on the outside - the songs themselves are still incredibly twisted and as pixie-ish and strange as ever. Very few recognized those, though - our shallow minds are always distracted by the surface and rarely go to the heart of things. A misunderstanding which followed Frank through all of his solo years, at least among the majority of the alterative rock scene.

And I cannot admire Lyle Workman enough. His guitar work (not only on this album) is so unique and good. He definitely is the master of the outro solo. You aint me, Jesus was right, Solid Gold as examples. It is literally that he absorbs the essence of the song during its start, middle, and end, then got the idea what to do, and finishes it off with an out-of-this world and fast solo which captures the vibe of the entire song perfectly.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2025 :  13:51:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Wow, I somehow had never seen this. Wonderful (despite the weird mid-song chatter). I had to google the other bald man, Matt Pinfield. Strangely enough, he's in the news today after suffering a massive stroke.
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1030 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2025 :  21:48:58  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Alternative music fans don't know who Matt Pinfield is?! Wow. On my TV hosting MTV stuff every single day and night for years and years of my life.
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2025 :  00:38:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Never had MTV as a kid here. If only, 120 Minutes seemed amazing.
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