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 earliest childhood memories
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> Teenager of the Year <

4307 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2005 :  13:58:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i think mine was this time when me, my sister, my mom, my dad, and my gran went to the beach and somebody had buried hot coals beneath a tree and my sister stepped in them. i was 4 and my sister was 3, i remember riding in the car to the hospital with my sister screaming on my grans lap. i'm pretty sure this happened before i went to disneyland(same age) and i was scared shitless on pirates of the caribbean. another early memory around the same time, i remember being not able to sleep and sitting on my dad's lap as he watched a sci-fi show/movie(possibly Dr Who or Star Trek, i remember blobby things), next thing i woke up petrified of my nightmare (i was getting sucked up or down a tube and being taken away from my family forever). i'm just curious to know if others earliest memories are happy or scary or some other emotion. i think i was a generally happy kid and that's why i remember the scary things.

I'm what you call a repeat offender. I repeat, I will offend again!

Little Black Francis
> Teenager of the Year <

3648 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2005 :  14:33:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Floops quesedillas zijn te vergelijken met het likken van fatsige Albert's aars nadat hij een fles laxeermiddel heeft leeggedronken.
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= Wannabe Volunteer =

15297 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2005 :  14:43:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i have this vivid memory of swimming for the first time. there were a lot of us.. and i mean, a LOT of us, swimming through this dark tunnel. it was more like a race, really. and not fun race in someone's backyard pool but like, this a serious race. and then there was this huge balloon thing that looked sort of like a gigantic egg. that's all i remember.

ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee!
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> Teenager of the Year <

4307 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2005 :  14:46:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by floop

i have this vivid memory of swimming for the first time. there were a lot of us.. and i mean, a LOT of us, swimming through this dark tunnel. it was more like a race, really. and not fun race in someone's backyard pool but like, this a serious race. and then there was this huge balloon thing that looked sort of like a gigantic egg. that's all i remember.

ummmmmm, i think if it was in the backyard you never would have got to that egg!

I'm what you call a repeat offender. I repeat, I will offend again!
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> Teenager of the Year <

4307 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2005 :  14:47:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
that's a better tp-ing job LBF! good job. ;)

I'm what you call a repeat offender. I repeat, I will offend again!
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  07:53:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Smashing the toy phone in the wendy house at nursery with a hammer, then walking out of it and pushing it down. It collapsed on some other kids I seem to remember. I am not sure why I did it. Perhaps the operator wouldn't put me through.

By my first day of school though I was crying when I had to leave my mother. Not so tough then.

During my first year at school I remember being stung in the ear by a wasp, whilst the teacher read us a story. My ear was throbbing and glowing red like the Batphone. I have hated wasps ever since.

These are my earliest ones that I can remember right now.

Love, love, my season
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- FB Fan -

178 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  07:59:20  Show Profile  Visit hawken's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Preschool...I guess that is when you're about 4 years old.

I hated it already because I had to wake up early to go....then some kid pushed a Tonka truck into me and it really made me mad. I cried and told my mom that I never wanted to go back.

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Surfer Rosa
> Teenager of the Year <

4209 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  08:03:20  Show Profile  Visit Surfer Rosa's Homepage  Reply with Quote
My most vivid and earliest childhood memory is of me feeding my cat while my very hyperactive brother threw a tantrum. I can remember thinking to myself "I cannot believe I'm even related to such an imbecile, thank goodness I have you Stompie (my cat) you're the only one who understands me"

I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A
California Dreamin' on such a winter's day
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2673 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  08:13:37  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Myself and my brother plugging the kitchen sinks, sealing the doors with towels and turning on the taps, then the look on my mothers face as she opened the door in her pink dressing gown with water rushing past her ankles.


"Here love," brakes on a high squeak, "it´s not backstage at the old Windmill or something, you know."
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  08:25:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My god, we were a right pair of vandals weren't we Owen?

Love, love, my season
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2673 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  08:31:18  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
We suuuuuuure were.


"Here love," brakes on a high squeak, "it´s not backstage at the old Windmill or something, you know."
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= Cult of Ray =

925 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  13:00:53  Show Profile  Visit Atheist4Catholics's Homepage  Reply with Quote
My first memory is watching a double feature of Grease and Pirates of Penzance at the drive-in when I was 1 year old. My parents were hoping I'd fall asleep, but I stayed up and watched both movies.

Will I ever reach 1000?

For more information on rock, visit www.timfranklin.net
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* Dog in the Sand *

1972 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2005 :  13:18:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Surfer Rosa
"I cannot believe I'm even related to such an imbecile, thank goodness I have you Stompie (my cat) you're the only one who understands me"

Surfer, you just named my cat for me.
Or something.
I'm going to call something Stompie now.

My earliest memory is a vague memory of being bathed in the kitchen sink.
I remember trying to get back in that same sink when I was capable of scalking the kitchen counter and being sad that I no longer fit.

To everything, turn, turn, turn...
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Surfer Rosa
> Teenager of the Year <

4209 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  00:25:11  Show Profile  Visit Surfer Rosa's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It is a fortuitous name - use it wisely Kim.

I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A
California Dreamin' on such a winter's day
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* Dog in the Sand *

1811 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  07:01:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i remember a dream i had when i was very young, 4 or 5 maybe. my dad had taken me to the science museum to see the life-size animatronic dinosaurs. they scared the crap out of me and of course i had nightmares for weeks. i can still picture the dream in my head, i was locked in this big empty room that had nothing in it but a huge dog food bowl with giant chunks of dry dog food in it. they stuck me in there and my dad went over to the door and waved by to me. as soon as he left a t-rex stomped over to have dinner (me), and i woke up.

i also remember a really awesome pair of white sandals with strawberries on them that i got for christmas when i was two. still have them.

A monkey will eat dirt if you make him.
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  07:06:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Your feet must be awfully crushed.

Love, love, my season
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  08:25:03  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Maybe 2 yrs old, eating creamed spinach from a hairchair in the hallway, while my mom was in the tiny kitchen making something at the stove. We lived on the third floor of an old Victorian house, shared by 3 families, and had the servant's quarters complete with closet kitchen, I don't remember an actual table or dining area.

I remember some doves we were keeping on the porch after a family friend decided they were too messy and endangered by their cat. There were 6 at first, and then fewer and fewer... our cat Shadrach. Or "dee dee", which was my first word, apparently.

I remember keeping a small box with "fairies", and moss, and a shell with water in it. The fairies were those fluffy seeds that float around for miles in the spring/summer, from the milkweed plant I think, the one with those dry pod husks with all the lovely silky seeds. Admittedly, they're still fairies to me. Perpetual 4-yr olditis I guess. hehe

Edited by - apl4eris on 02/16/2005 08:26:57
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= Cult of Ray =

715 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  10:48:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
two and a half at the circus with brother and parents. They rolled a guy in a Pink Panther suit out in a huge sphere cage. He then got out and two guys on motor bikes got in and started to do loop-de-loops within the cage ball.

Also early:
Three, watching the making of Return of the Jedi on TV in my old den, which is now the living room. Remember learning that there were five guys inside jabba the hutt, yet he still scared me.

I go to bakeries all day long
There's a lack of sweetness in my life
People in love are stupid and gross.
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> Teenager of the Year <

4307 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  12:41:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by soundofataris
....... there were five guys inside jabba the hutt.....

i did not know that!

I'm what you call a repeat offender. I repeat, I will offend again!
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Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~

5305 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  21:15:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Falling down stairs at 2 years old or so. I feel down them all the time. Also impersonating Shirely Temple around the same age. I also remember my school bus driver when I was two and trying not to but not being able to help falling asleep on the school bus. I also remember nightmares a car coud drive from our garage, up the stairs and into my bedroom and would run me over. I remember my best friend who was a year older than me and me having a crush on him but him not really liking me. At three I remember an older playmate threatening to poke my eye out with a stick and that same playmate sitting behind me and picking the fuzz out of my hat my mom saved up coupons for. Random stuff.
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- FB Fan -

240 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2005 :  02:59:58  Show Profile  Visit Elephant's Homepage  Click to see Elephant's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Me and my cousine loved the Ninja Tutrles. I remember that we had a minature Ninja Turtle table we would sit at. It was so awesome, it was like our own little childrens table and only we could sit at it.

I also remember when I was six or seven I would make these really awesome stop-motion movies with action figures. My parents had got me this 45$ black and white movie camera for Christmas one year that recored in black and white directly to a VCR.

I remember making this movie about a tower of Jinga blocks and also these like... Fisher Price knights. Also I remember making a sci-fi war movie at my Grandmother's house; the movie was about these spacce people coming to earth and burning down people's houses, then there was finally a big show-down at her kitchen sink where the snoody space-man in his space-suit and his flame througher faced off against this one like cave-man person.

Except the humans tricked the space people and they AMBUISHED him, I remember my Grandma also had this really cool candy dish in her kitchen. I think that's where the humans were hiding. I remember she kept peppermints inside of it.

Apart from that I also remember making a movie with my Ninja Turtle counsine around Christmas when I was really young. It was kind of a parody of like... I guess Jerry Springer (I know I was too young to be exposed to that, but oh well... I turned out so-so) and I remember violence insued and me and my cousine attacked Santa... I was told I had the ADD.

Probably my earliest memory however was camping at my abandond Grandparent's farm. I rember getting a hot burning ash on my eye-lid and having to be washed in the sink.

Also probably accidently erasing my cousine's Super Mario Land save-file on his SNES. He was not down with that at all, I don't think he has forgiven me to this date. HE HAD ALL THE STAR PORTALS OPEN!
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2005 :  04:35:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Daisy Girl

Also impersonating Shirely Temple around the same age.

I used to love Shirley Temple when I was a little boy. My mum wants to rent all her films again. I may watch them with her again for old time's sake.

Love, love, my season
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Steak n Sabre
* Dog in the Sand *

1013 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2005 :  05:55:08  Show Profile  Visit Steak n Sabre's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Lying in the crib, feeling comfort in the turquoise glow of the night light on the wall.....

The Cult of Frank 2.0: It's not the coming of the aliens or anything...
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