I and 2 friends of mine have found ourselves in deep trouble in regards to transportation to the pixies show in amherst on 11/30.
We originally had a ride secure and are currently attempting to rent a car or find any means of transportation but the odds seem to be against us. We are in dire need of a ride! If there is anyone at all here, who lives near or could go through Attleboro, Massachusetts to get to the show in Amherst and can find room for 3 more passengers we would appreciate it beyond comprehension. We will pay for any ride! Please respond in comment form here or e-mail me at hailtotheprole@yahoo.com if you can help us in any way. Thank you!
new development: 2 half price tickets + chipping in for gas money for section GA3 (floor) seats to the pixies in amherst to whoever will drive us from attleboro. E-mail: hailtotheprole@yahoo.com
Good luck. I hope you guys find one!! That part about "deep trouble" really says it... I haven't heard that phrase in years... but that's the spot you're in. Hopefully someone here can help you out!!!!
new development: 2 half price tickets + chipping in for gas money for section GA3 (floor) seats to the pixies in amherst to whoever will drive us from attleboro.