I purchased the disklive for the chicago 11-16-04 show, and boy was i dissappointed. Not only are joey and kim mixed so far down you can hardly hear them, but the last 2 or 3 songs are missing from the cd, what a gyp!
I read and reread the disklive literature at the show, and nowhere does it mention that the disks would NOT contain the entire show. I bought it for gigantic and, wait where is it?
Just a heads up to future disklive customers, you will not get the disk promissed you.
"Atheists are just as crazy as believers, just not in the same way." -moss ryder
Did you pick yours up at the venue right after the show was over? Because I have a few of them and I've always had mine delivered by mail. They've always seemed fine to me. I wonder if there is a difference. Maybe the ones you pick up right after the show are kind of rushed. You know?
I received a CD from the 11/16 show that was missing the encore.
I spoke to Disclive yesterday, and they explained that they made a mistake with one batch of CDs and that they would send me a corrected disc right away. They seemed genuinely apologetic.