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 Kubrick Died 33 Years Ago Today
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2022 :  18:08:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just thought I'd start a fresh thread to give Kubrick a little shine.

I've been watching a ton on the making of Eyes Wide Shut. The amount of detail he put into every second of that film is mind boggling. It seems that there is not one molecule out of place in that film.

RIP Stanley, thanks for your unique contribution to film.

> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  00:46:14  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Exactly 666 days before 01/01/2001 as well

According to his daughter Vivien though - he wasn't assassinated by the Illuminati (and she's well into her conspiracy theories)

I'm on the the fence as to whether he filmed some or all the moon landings though - seems very coincidental that 2001 came out around the same time - there are many theories and inconsistencies to the whole thing there and like I say a few years ago I would have scoffed at all them but now I'm wavering on some

Anyway (tin foil hat off) Kubrick was the best and I've watched some of his films so many times

Purely out of interest in his films though and nothing else (because I know even the mention of conspiracy theories can cause tempers to rise) something about The Shining I never really noticed and and it's not exactly much to go on but in some of the scenes with Danny boy he is wearing a really badly knitted jumper with a rocket on it and the word "APOLLO" - some reckon that was Kubrick trying to plant a clue (because he obviously would be under strict orders to keep very quiet and his life would be at risk too probably)

If true then all or some of the moon landings were filmed at Borehamwood in London (where I lived circa 25 years ago - I used to pass Kubrick's house on the way to work) so that's both quite a cool thought and also sad because it would mean that the moon landings were faked, which I for one would not want to be the case because as a young boy Neil Armstrong was my hero

Edited by - pot on 03/08/2022 02:42:50
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  04:47:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
interesting about the 666 thing, were his intentions 666?!

I like all the theories, even the ones that seem so far fetched. Very entertaining. The fact that his films are so hyper analyzed all these years later says something
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1030 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  14:07:59  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
He didn't die 33 years ago today. Huh? Or am I missing a joke.

As for the Apollo shirt, my favorite interpretation of The Shining can be found here. Please enjoy:


Edited by - Troubles A Foot on 03/08/2022 14:09:16
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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2022 :  00:56:45  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

He didn't die 33 years ago today. Huh? Or am I missing a joke.

Yep. Well spotted. Bedbug is a mason
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2022 :  08:53:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Obviously if we don't know whether or not we went to the moon then we have absolutely no idea what day Kubrick died
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2022 :  20:32:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2022 :  20:43:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And yeah he was the shit. Kubrick left no stone unturned and defined meticulous.
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2022 :  20:53:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
and if that guy that potentially poor bastard gets left… all hands to save his sorry ass. I do not know how to help him.
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2022 :  20:57:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It’s not that I have my hands tied
I am baffled
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2022 :  21:08:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There is a human being that might be left in space indefinitely
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2022 :  21:09:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope I can be called stupid or crazy
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2022 :  08:21:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That would be really heavy to think of him stuck out in space
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2022 :  08:22:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would probably be a dream for some people though

Wonder he would feel about “Space is Gonna Do Me Good”?
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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2022 :  15:50:04  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Elite Dangerous just released it's latest update/bug fix and I felt I have to share this with anyone who has an interest in 2001: A Space Odyssey or just space travel in general. The game borrowed some elements of 2001 back in the 80's so there's an affinity there, but in this latest update they have introduced a new hyperspace sequence for fleet carrier, which are sort of like star ports but can travel much farther. All the effects and the music (first 1m30s) are well worth checking out if you like really cool things

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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2022 :  01:17:30  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
NASA is sending an "uncrewed test capsule" around The Moon apparently.

To test for what: Our ability to send astronauts into orbit around the moon?

Half a century later and we still haven't had one single manned mission to the moon - why is that? It's an interesting question. Try asking Buzz Aldrin and see what he says about it.

You'd think we would have gone back at least one time since then - of only just to try out newer technology? (Which I guess maybe is what they are doing now)

Edited by - pot on 03/18/2022 01:18:00
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2022 :  10:13:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The Fermi Paradox makes a pretty strong case that exploring the moon / solar system is a waste of time, and maybe the Milky Way too. And I’m a Frank Black fan saying this!
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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2022 :  11:07:18  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I don't know if the technology for deep space exploration will ever be there - it's a very hostile environment space and other parts of the galaxy are all very far away. The universe is bound to be teaming with life, and the fact no alien race has contacted us suggests interstellar space travel might either be impossible or ridiculously hard to achieve without the ship and it's crew disappearing into a void forever. I'm sure there are loads of arguments out there that claim aliens have already contacted us and they are here now though.
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= Quote Accumulator =

1850 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2022 :  01:50:23  Show Profile  Visit IceCream's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I don't think Stanley Kubrick committed suicide. He worked himself to death. I'm just glad to have heard ANGST. LITE LIFE. SST Records. I sold my last copy of THRENODY FOR THE VICTIMS OF HIROSHIMA, btw
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1128 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2022 :  22:24:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Avi Loeb (Harvard Astronomer) makes a case for Oumuamua (anomalous object observed in 2017 believed to be an asteroid or comet) being an extraterrestrial interstellar 'light sail' like object / vehicle.

He's set up something called the Galileo project to try and identify and image other such interstellar objects.

Info on it here https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/avi-loebs-galileo-project-will-search-for-evidence-of-alien-visitation/
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1030 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2022 :  08:20:12  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2022 :  08:34:58  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
One day Voyager 2 will enter a distant solar system, and an alien civilisation on one of the planets with similar technology to us could find it.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2022 :  09:51:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fermi paradox
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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2022 :  12:16:46  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Fermi Paradox assumes interstellar travel is possible, or possible within a relatively short period of time - and that sentient beings could survive the journey. It's questionnable that man ever really made it to the moon; and the only nation in the world so far that has claimed this (whether true or not from the evidence) has a long history right up to the present of being almost universally deceitful about just about everything.

If technology insofar as space travel is concerned has reached an impasse as a result of limitations from the fundamental laws of physics, eg. not least the ability to exceed the speed of light, then it's entirely possible the universe is teeming with life and therefore it's not a paradox at all.

It's not outwith the realms of possibility though that an ancient space vessel from a distant world could pass through our solar system and be detected and harnessed.

Detecting radio signals from distant solar systems that contain signatures that can only be identified as arising from intelligent life is another matter, and this could be possible although extremely difficult to achieve. Needles in Haystacks.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1128 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2022 :  11:41:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Two interesting articles



I don't subscribe to any particular theory, I suppose that's what they are until it's fact. I like the ideas and thinking about them - it's a welcome distraction from everyday life.

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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2022 :  13:41:43  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote

"a space-faring civilization expanding through the Milky Way at 20% of the speed of light could theoretically colonize the entire galaxy in as little as 500,000 years, a tiny fraction of the galaxy’s lifetime."

Who's to say that isn't where we came from?

"I don't know, therefore aliens"
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> Teenager of the Year <

2810 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2023 :  19:39:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
He had the stomach for this
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