hello all, was just at www.epitonic.com where there is an advertisement link that rotates between artists and one of them is is/are FB&TCs. it links to www.sonicunyon.com (flash page) where something to look forward to in 2004 is FB&TCs – (Live - LTD. ED). also the SMYT picture when clicked on goes to a pretty good band picture (and you could download “Nadine” too).
Hey - cool. I saw that too...when the page loaded and it was right there brightnshiny with Frank's gaze, I was like a little kid finding an easter egg.
Swedish Chef's "Dumpling of Wisdom": Øder tis moodle in der noggin tu smacken der ouchey und vinger-slingers ur to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yøobetcha!