As Christmas time approaches (only 30 minutes away over here) I just want to wish everyone a blessed holiday season, whatever you celebrate if anything. May it be full of love and peace!
Join the Cult Of Gunn / and you'll never need a hair stylist again"
Same to you, friend. :) Best wishes and joy to all. 3 more minutes to go, here! woowooooo!
Swedish Chef's "Dumpling of Wisdom": Øder tis moodle in der noggin tu smacken der ouchey und vinger-slingers ur to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yøobetcha!
We are in the full holi-daze now. Duuuuuh. I am horrified by all the food (and what a variety!) I have put in my mouth in the last 48 hours. Help! I can't stop eating!