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 I Tunes - How annoying is that!
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- FB Fan -

79 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  10:30:44  Show Profile
Well, I just downloaded the ITunes bloatware (20mb), installed the damn thing, went through the whole process of entering my registration details, and guess what? It's only available to US residents. Another reason to spurn Apple...

I was really looking forward to these tunes.

Can I respectfully suggest to the web site editors that they make this clear on the page?

Will anyone do me a copy of these tunes (as I can't buy them)?

I need peace... turned up so loud


Edited by - El Barto on 12/09/2003 14:47:07

Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos

4496 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  11:07:34  Show Profile  Visit Dave Noisy's Homepage
Ahh..i didn't know that...i've only gone so far as previewing the tunes..

I'll get that on there some time soon..tho could someone else verify that it's US-only?
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  11:23:25  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage
Yeah, I love how all these contests and stuff have almost no clarification that it's only for US Residents. Everytime.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
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- FB Fan -

75 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  11:29:57  Show Profile
iTunes Music Store is only available in the US because there are still hurdles regarding digital rights management, copyrights, artist consent, etc (in the case of canada, there is also an issue of canadian content). Apple really isn't to blame; they would have it everywhere if they could ($$$). Now, as far as getting the tracks from someone here: DRM again. The only way this would work is if the person sharing has a way of cracking the AAC DRM (there is an application out there to do it). I think it is great that Frank has put some stuff on iTunes Music Store, the exposure is a good thing. Living in Canada I too do not have access to them, but I know I will somehow get them in the long run. All I need is at the moment is a credit card with a US billing address!
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- FB Fan -

165 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  11:46:19  Show Profile
So, can we burn these tracks to a music CD once we download them?
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- FB Fan -

79 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  12:22:10  Show Profile
Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Ahh..i didn't know that...i've only gone so far as previewing the tunes..

I'll get that on there some time soon..tho could someone else verify that it's US-only?

Thanks Dave. My annoyance wasn't with you. It's probably been said before, but you cook up one helluva good website.

I need peace... turned up so loud
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- FB Fan -

79 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  12:23:17  Show Profile
Originally posted by d3niz3n

iTunes Music Store is only available in the US because there are still hurdles regarding digital rights management, copyrights, artist consent, etc (in the case of canada, there is also an issue of canadian content). Apple really isn't to blame; they would have it everywhere if they could ($$$). Now, as far as getting the tracks from someone here: DRM again. The only way this would work is if the person sharing has a way of cracking the AAC DRM (there is an application out there to do it). I think it is great that Frank has put some stuff on iTunes Music Store, the exposure is a good thing. Living in Canada I too do not have access to them, but I know I will somehow get them in the long run. All I need is at the moment is a credit card with a US billing address!

Pardon my ignorance - what is 'DRM'?

I need peace... turned up so loud
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= Cult of Ray =

442 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  13:18:56  Show Profile
Digital Rights Management.

If iTunes offered MP3s instead of ACC, then I might actually make some purchases. Until then, I'll remain with CDs and make my own MP3s.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-
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= Cult of Ray =

442 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  13:23:09  Show Profile
Originally posted by d3niz3n
Now, as far as getting the tracks from someone here: DRM again. The only way this would work is if the person sharing has a way of cracking the AAC DRM (there is an application out there to do it
No need for an application. All you need to do is burn a redbook CD with ACC files. Re-rip that CD to MP3 files. There shouldn't be any quality issues, assuming you can purchase high-bitrate ACC files from iTunes (can anyone answer this). But an application to convert them directly would be much easier.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-

Edited by - cvanepps on 12/09/2003 13:25:13
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  14:53:37  Show Profile
So, you buy these tunes off i-tunes, and it's not as simple as 1-2-3 to burn them to a CD?

Is the I-Tunes software free? I guess I could find out for myself by clicking the link. I'd really like to hear those songs and be able to burn them to a CD in minutes. I don't want to deal with computer stuff I've never heard of before.

"Join the Cult of Gunn / And you'll get an eighties Monster Ballad CD just for joining"
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Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos

4496 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  15:29:01  Show Profile  Visit Dave Noisy's Homepage
Yep, iTunes is free..i've got it now.

Get it just to listen to the previews. =)

Make sure you check all the 'default player' boxes, so it doesn't hijack your confuser..heheh
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- FB Fan -

75 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  15:46:41  Show Profile
itunes music store (which is accessed from within the itunes application) offers 128bit AAC, which is roughly equivalent to 192bit MP3. given this, i do not know how much will be lost in the burning and conversion. most likely i would not notice a difference. hell, i am still listening to duke of earl at 56 bit rate! itunes, the application, is free and is quite easy to use. and, the process of buying songs from itunes music store, making a playlist from your library, and burning that playlist is straightforward. hell, my grandmother of 72 figured it out in less than ten minutes (she is also a chronic shopper, so there was an incentive).
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= Cult of Ray =

442 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  17:21:44  Show Profile
Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

So, you buy these tunes off i-tunes, and it's not as simple as 1-2-3 to burn them to a CD?

Oh, it's simple to make CDs, alright. But I get more use out of MP3s, you see. The files iTunes provide are not MP3. That's all I was saying. My ealier post descibes how to take what iTunes gives you and make MP3s out of it.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-
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= Cult of Ray =

442 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  17:26:30  Show Profile
Originally posted by d3niz3n

itunes music store (which is accessed from within the itunes application) offers 128bit AAC, which is roughly equivalent to 192bit MP3. given this, i do not know how much will be lost in the burning and conversion. most likely i would not notice a difference.
I still like having the freedom to take store-purchased CDs and choose the exact ripping parameters myself. I do 256kbs normally. So ACC is no good for me, brutha.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2003 :  17:06:09  Show Profile
so . . . um, how do you convert the files?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
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- FB Fan -

213 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2003 :  01:05:37  Show Profile  Visit miguel's Homepage
You could probably play them and record them in something else no?
Kinda lame though..

"... it's a pill, that gives worms... to exgirlfriends.. you just don't get it"
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= Cult of Ray =

442 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2003 :  09:48:33  Show Profile
I really thought motorscutor was kidding, since my second 12/9 post on this thread describes step-by-step how you convert them. I guess he missed it.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-
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