T O P I C R E V I E W |
saidtheladytotheman |
Posted - 10/16/2004 : 11:32:47 Has anyone else out there had any problems with Ticketmaster? They SUCK and I wish that some other ticket company would give them a run for their money so that quality, integritous bands like the Pixies don't have to use them to get their tickets sold. Their customer service SUCKS. Their service charges suck. Ticketmaster's phone number - when you can find it on their website, evades human-to-human contact by re-routing you numerous times through the same automated options and ANYONE who would give their credit card number over an automated telephone service is NUTS too (which they require you to do in order to USE their automated service.)
I purchased Pixies tickets an hour after they went on sale and got 2nd row seats. I received an email the next day saying that the address I used for the credit card was incorrect. It turned out it was a "my business address vs. my home address" problem but the email was automated and told me to "simply enter the correct address and return email to us" to clear up the problem. I did this IMMEDIATELY and 2 days later, I received an email stating my order was cancelled because I had not returned the email in time. WHO DOES THAT??!!?? WHO SENDS EMAIL OVER A TIMELY MATTER???
I tried to contact customer service but was re-routed a thousand times until finally I got the operator who offered me the chance to purchase more tickets. Livid, I did this and was given nose-bleed seats because the others were sold. Then, my tickets did not arrive on time. I contacted customer service and was told that since they had not arrived- NO CALLING ME AND DISCUSSING THIS MIND YOU- they decided to just cancel my tickets and INSTEAD leave me tickets at the box office but that if I received my tickets, I could call back and get them reinstated. I received them 2 days later and when I called back, I was given the 3rd degree about reinstating them. They demanded my credit card number over the phone, etc. while I WAS HOLDING THE TICKETS IN MY HAND. All they had to do was reinstate them, not give out any personal info to me...It was such a huge headache that I cannot wait until I can get back to a place where I just buy the tickets locally instead of ordering them online.
No Bothers Here!!! |
14 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
VoVat |
Posted - 11/17/2004 : 17:24:52 Or we could wrap them up in a carpet and throw them off a bridge!
"Signature quotes are so lame." --Nathan |
floop |
Posted - 11/17/2004 : 07:15:26 brick through window
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
liffey |
Posted - 11/17/2004 : 02:10:51 I had 3 tickets to both the early and late Dec 18th shows sent to my parents' house. The tickets to the late show got there fine. But the 3 tickets to the early show were not in the envelope, INSTEAD there was 1 ticket from some guy in NEW JERSEY. I called ticketmaster right back and they said they would cancel my three tickets sent to the wrong person and issue me three new ones to be picked up at the will call. They better not screw me over the night of the show... |
floop |
Posted - 10/19/2004 : 09:58:08 brick through window
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
pjcoble |
Posted - 10/19/2004 : 07:41:51 saidtheladytotheman - I totally agree with you. Ticketmaster's system(s) are a complete joke. It's a sham because it's unorganized and the people over the phone don't know the best seats available. It's all one big crapshoot and you have to get lucky. They suck bad, and it's nonsense how they have things set up. |
floop |
Posted - 10/18/2004 : 22:03:21 we should find out where Ticketmaster headquarters is and throw a brick through their window.
i'm actually serious
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
Thomas |
Posted - 10/18/2004 : 20:46:05 Actually I think they charge an extra $2.50 to print your own ticket when purchased.
"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard" |
porkbone1 |
Posted - 10/18/2004 : 19:59:46 What I don't understand is this:
Back in the day, you walked into a ticketmaster outlet and they helped you pick out seats. Or, you called them on the phone and spoke to a real person. You had to pay a service charge, but it sort of made sense.
Now, you do it all yourself on the website, or you go through an automated phone system, and the service charge is twice what it used to be. Service charge for what? For me clicking on a website? You get to charge me $6.50 to click on a website? Better yet, I can even print my own tickets so you can save on the handling, the postage, envelope, delivery, etc.? And I still have to pay the same $6.50?
Tell me in what world this makes sense
The joke has come upon me |
VoVat |
Posted - 10/17/2004 : 11:26:29 Ticketmaster is just one big problem in general.
"Signature quotes are so lame." --Nathan |
Jason |
Posted - 10/17/2004 : 10:37:39 Buy from the website. They e-mail you the tickets in a .pdf file. You print out the tickets. And then yer ready. That's the best way to go, I think. My entire dealing with Ticketmaster for Pixies tickets took about 5 minutes. |
Mr DNA |
Posted - 10/17/2004 : 09:46:19 I bought my ticket through Ticketmasters website, worked out just fine. Though they are pretty expensive, I got my ticket within the next few days no problem... |
Daisy Girl |
Posted - 10/16/2004 : 20:52:33 said the lady to the man-- i am so sorry that your order was canceled. That is such a bumer. Man, I can't stand those tm robber barrons... this just gives me more reason not to like those dudes. |
apl4eris |
Posted - 10/16/2004 : 17:42:27 What a horror story! That's pretty sickening customer "service".
I haven't had any ticketbastard tribulations (knock on wood), but I've had similar headaches from other online retailers ...amazon.com on multiple occasions.
On a lighter note, welcome to the forum, saidthelady!
RIP Rest In Peace Jacques Derrida. rasta. ruowa. freedom from activity. a brief pause in reading. a rhythmic silence in music. |
gk128 |
Posted - 10/16/2004 : 17:40:47 The only complaint I have with them is the damned services charges. $22 dollars I believe it was on my two tickets.

My CD List: www.cd-tracker.com/~gk128 |