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 Dont Care for Datsuns

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frank_black_francis Posted - 07/15/2004 : 08:49:41
This whole Jet, Hives, Strokes and Datsuns shit is really getting old fast....the whole 'rock out' thing they do is kinda weak. There is an under-current of 'Jock' in all of these bands. Not Limp Biscuit kinda Jock mentality, but its there. I'm ready for a new fad that will get old fast too....
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
benji Posted - 07/16/2004 : 07:21:56
LBF - the blue oval badge with "Ford" written on it in the middle of this photo kinda settles it for me.

yep, a XD fairmont ghia.
and a crap car it is too.

Join the Cult of Cartman! Respect my Authoritaah!!!
benji Posted - 07/16/2004 : 05:34:47
LBF - don't think thats a Datsun - it looks like a Ford Falcon to me.

Join the Cult of Cartman! Respect my Authoritaah!!!
Little Black Francis Posted - 07/16/2004 : 05:02:06
here you go benji

I don't know sh8t aboot cars eh?


1976 Datsun

I didn't hear that there was a band called the Datsuns, (due to the rock I live underneath preventing word of mout to reach my soft eardrums), but I too thought this thread was about cars...

as far as the bands you mentioned in the opening topic, homey, never really dug or maxed-out on any of them?!


Ik heb je oma geneukt met de voorbind dildo van Floops moederhehehahhahehehaha
begeegs Posted - 07/16/2004 : 02:15:20

I think the Datsuns are a bit hit and miss with me. They have an excellent Mo-Townlike song, which is probably my favorite - I think it's called 'For a Love Supreme'

So what if they are a rock out band, it certainly beats the shit out of the other crap we've been hearing, like Nu-Metal anyone? Did everyone forget that there has been some utter crap before this trend....?

The Hives seem pretty cool. I don't dig the Vines, because they are too Nirvanaesque - and I haven't listened to the Strokes.

Music is constantly recycling itself, as it should. The newer bands of garage/punk/etc have different elements about them than the originals. If they didn't then how could music ever evolve?
benji Posted - 07/16/2004 : 01:46:12
Originally posted by pfeffa

these puppies are dime a dozen back in new zealand.
well not ones that look this good, but ones full of rust with an array of dents.

also where the Datsuns come from.
but i too hate the Datsuns - they're crap...but see that they might be supporting the Pixies for the 2nd half of the upcoming US tour....
lucky you.

Join the Cult of Cartman! Respect my Authoritaah!!!
shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 15:24:50
hey, I own 3 or 4 OCS albums so booooo! I wish I was cool.

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 07/15/2004 : 15:17:44
Ahahahah. Embrace and now Ocean Colour Scene?
Give me a break. You want to be a bit careful trying to sound cool dropping names like that...

Kind regards,
Dr. Simon
Specialist In Broken Hearts
shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 15:12:45
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

Aaaaaaanyway, you don't want people ranting, so I'll backtrack a bit.
I dislike pretty much all the bands you've mentioned, except the Hives.

I saw the Hives third on the bill at this scummy little venue in Portsmouth about 6 months before they made it big (they were supporting a couple of other bands that I liked). Thats a proper 'before they were famous' story - they were ace, full of energy and great performers/entertainers. I got the CD after and it was wicked.

The rest of these bands suck though, for the most part.

Kind regards,
Dr. Simon
Specialist In Broken Hearts

I have a similar story like that about Ocean Colour Scene. And Blind Melon for that matter. It's nice when you rock out to a band and then they get big, you get to tell stories like this.

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
Opaque Posted - 07/15/2004 : 14:57:42
But what about dachshunds? By golly they just so durned cute...

"My primitive words match my primitive heart..." - Mercury Rev
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 07/15/2004 : 14:42:04
Aaaaaaanyway, you don't want people ranting, so I'll backtrack a bit.
I dislike pretty much all the bands you've mentioned, except the Hives.

I saw the Hives third on the bill at this scummy little venue in Portsmouth about 6 months before they made it big (they were supporting a couple of other bands that I liked). Thats a proper 'before they were famous' story - they were ace, full of energy and great performers/entertainers. I got the CD after and it was wicked.

The rest of these bands suck though, for the most part.

Kind regards,
Dr. Simon
Specialist In Broken Hearts
BLT Posted - 07/15/2004 : 14:31:57
Originally posted by pfeffa

Gee, I was really hoping this was a thread about '72 Datsun 240Z's.

Since that one has obviously been cared for, it does not belong in this thread.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/15/2004 : 14:22:13


Live every day as if it were your last. Eventually you'll be right

KimStanleyRobinson Posted - 07/15/2004 : 14:16:46
Thats Greedo, homer.

Guido is the thick-necked guy that breaks your thumbs if you don't pay him off in "turdy daysh."
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/15/2004 : 13:34:43
Originally posted by pfeffa

Originally posted by shineoftheever

i haven't figured out guibo.

i think SC is "sports coupe'?

A guibo is the rubber disk that connects the drive shaft to the transmission. I only like this word because it sounds like 'guido'.

Frank's band is better than your band. Sing it.

Star Wars geek!


Live every day as if it were your last. Eventually you'll be right

pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 13:16:04
Originally posted by KimStanleyRobinson

Your SC coupe is what make?

I swear - no more car stuff after this.
From me anyway.

Ok, yeah, no more car stuff after this. I promise, too.

'97 BMW 318Ti, Downing Atlanta Super Charger, M3 suspension and clutch, aluminum flywheel, Koni shocks and struts, Eibach springs.

190.5 hp at the wheels (~215hp at the crank) and 2800lbs. Good enough to dust most cars on the road, but nothing too insane.
KimStanleyRobinson Posted - 07/15/2004 : 12:59:47

My google search on guibo generated a lot of BMW links, but methinks the layman's term is "center bearing" ...i think. A rubber mounted bearing designed to stop the drive shaft from freekin out. I had an old Volvo with a bad 'guibo' (if I'm right) and she was a bit shakey.

Cool - you run good ol Detroit iron.

Your SC coupe is what make?

I swear - no more car stuff after this.
From me anyway.
pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 12:45:18
Originally posted by pfeffa

Originally posted by KimStanleyRobinson

Alright, I figured out guibo. You're bimmer people...which means you might be Benz, Jag, Rolls, Bentley people too...unless you're all performance.

"SC" has me stumped, tho. Do tell.

Blech, no Bimmers and Fords and late 60s hotrods only. Of course, we've had our eyes on 993 turbos lately.

Frank's band is better than your band. Sing it.
pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 12:44:44
Originally posted by shineoftheever

i haven't figured out guibo.

i think SC is "sports coupe'?

A guibo is the rubber disk that connects the drive shaft to the transmission. I only like this word because it sounds like 'guido'.


Frank's band is better than your band. Sing it.
pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 12:40:51
Originally posted by KimStanleyRobinson

Alright, I figured out guibo. You're bimmer people...which means you might be Benz, Jag, Rolls, Bentley people too...unless you're all performance.

"SC" has me stumped, tho. Do tell.

Blech, no Bimmers and Fords and late 60s hotrods only. Of course, we've had our eyes on 993 4's lately.
shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 12:24:47
i haven't figured out guibo.

i think SC is "sports coupe'?

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
KimStanleyRobinson Posted - 07/15/2004 : 12:21:42
Alright, I figured out guibo. You're bimmer people...which means you might be Benz, Jag, Rolls, Bentley people too...unless you're all performance.

"SC" has me stumped, tho. Do tell.
pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:55:00
Originally posted by KimStanleyRobinson

Pfeff, remember the Nissan commercials a few years ago with the old Japanese guy...there were always cool old Datsuns in those commercials.
I like the old Z cars too. My first drummer had a nice one - one of the ones that didn't pass safety stds because it had no door reinforcements. Might have been 72. Extremely cool and quick car. Canary yellow, 6cly, triple carb.


Yeah, I remember those commercials. Our garage has been listed as a professional performance shop by the BMWCCA, so I'm kind of immersed in cars. Even my cats can say "guibo".

Can you believe some idiot in a Hyundai tried to pass me today? Ha, I downshifted and flew past him. Then, five minutes later he caught up with me and I dusted him again. What a waste of gas.
KimStanleyRobinson Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:43:22
Pfeff, remember the Nissan commercials a few years ago with the old Japanese guy...there were always cool old Datsuns in those commercials.
I like the old Z cars too. My first drummer had a nice one - one of the ones that didn't pass safety stds because it had no door reinforcements. Might have been 72. Extremely cool and quick car. Canary yellow, 6cly, triple carb.
shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:38:03
tre, try to post a pic and i will tell you what you are doing wrong!

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:33:29
he used to drive one of these:

He sold it when i turned 16, bastard! (sorry, pa)

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
n/a Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:29:49
does he drive one?

and does he look like Nicky Clarke? Because I could see Nicky Clarke behind the wheel...

his big bouff a-flowin-in-the-wind...

(ach screw it I will never be able to make pictures work on here)

Frank Black ate my Hamster

shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:20:20
my dad is a hairdresser.

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
n/a Posted - 07/15/2004 : 11:19:49
that looks like a hairdressers car

Frank Black ate my Hamster

pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:50:45
Used to have a '91 300ZX Twin Turbo with a Greddy, but it started smoking.

Frank's band is better than your band. Sing it.
shineoftheever Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:49:36
datsun beget nissan and the 240 beget the 280 which beget the 300 which beget the 350 which beget the convertible:

i saw one the other day, i wish i could afford one! i like the 240, my friend had one in highschool, it had like 200hp or something stupid like that!

p.s. sorry for the thread-jacking.

"These waters run deep, it's clear my little one/Blue velvet star sky not a sound
The light in your eyes, the smile on your ruby lips/Tells me my lost soul is found"
Doog Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:48:31
I think the Hives are a lot of fun, great entertainers. However, Jet are a clutch of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing primates with guitars, peddling songs that came out 20-30 years ago.

NME will continue the circle- they get excited about mushroom poppin' experimental beatniks one week "THEY'RE THE FUTURE OF ROCK! BLOWING AWAY ALL THE GARAGE RETRO ROCKERS!". Next week "THEY'RE THE FUTURE OF ROCK! BLOWING AWAY ALL THE MUSHROOM POPPIN' EXPERIMENTAL BEATNIKS!"

I think the Strokes are kinda neat though, don't own any of their cds though..

"Join the cult of Ray/He was the best Ghostbuster"
ProverbialCereal Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:45:14
Never heard the Datsuns. Probably don't want to.

For some reason my friend likes the Hives.. and he has great taste in music. I have yet to listem to them but I am skeptical even though my good-taste-in-music-friend likes them.

What was that other band that sucked? Oh yeah, the Vines.

Just quit a cult / going through withdrawal
pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:43:09
Yeah, I think I would lick that car if I saw it in person.
I keep searching autotrader for one like that and they're all 3-5k!
Well, a mint one might be more?

I'm all about rear wheel drive manual cars with long noses and short trunks, hence my little SC beater.

Frank's band is better than your band. Sing it.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:36:32
I take that back. That one's a beauty!

You don't get those Datsuns over here.


Live every day as if it were your last. Eventually you'll be right

pfeffa Posted - 07/15/2004 : 10:29:20
Gee, I was really hoping this was a thread about '72 Datsun 240Z's.

Frank's band is better than your band. Sing it.

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