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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Little Black Francis Posted - 06/07/2004 : 00:58:01
Anyone here fluent?

I think this is my calling... I think I know half of it already...

I find myself signing to myself until the sun comes up.

I think I am going to take a class in it. I want to learn Tai Chi too.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Broken Face Posted - 06/08/2004 : 09:54:24
my girlfriend is nearly fluent - she has a nephew w/ down's syndrome, and before he could speak, he could sign. she's since learned much more


- "I joined the Cult of Frank / And they tried to cut off my nuts and make me put on a blue jumpsuit"
ramona Posted - 06/08/2004 : 06:26:59
PS. I saved that picture. It's f-ing hysterical!

So if you're lonely
you know i'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you...
ramona Posted - 06/08/2004 : 06:24:34
I know the alphabet and a few words. It's such a beautiful language, I think.

The dreams in sign are very freaky and David Lynch of you, apl!

So if you're lonely
you know i'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you...
El Barto Posted - 06/07/2004 : 16:05:15
I know a little sign language. My ex and I used to sign to eachother...I only knew a small number of words so our conversations were limited to things like "I want ____" "what do you want to do?" "what you doing?" "you make me cross"...stuff like that. She's in autism education or something, that's why. She had a deaf client.

Boycott cults and t's
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 06/07/2004 : 11:47:10
Originally posted by The King Of Karaoke

This count?

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11

I'm sorry but I found this really funny.

Erm, actually I am not sorry. It was funny.

Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!!
shineoftheever Posted - 06/07/2004 : 10:16:21
I can sign "I love you" - I learned it from a crappy Jean-Claude Van Damme movie.

Do dyslexic-insomniac-agnostics stay up all night wondering if there really is a dog?
apl4eris Posted - 06/07/2004 : 08:25:22
I have wanted to learn sign language for a few years now. I found a site that teaches it via video for free, but have since lost the bookmark (was 2 or so years ago). It is something I have been meaning to do artwork about.

I have had dreams in sign language every once in a while, which is a bit creepy. I don't understand a thing.

If the only tool you have is an elbow macaroni,
all your problems look like Schroedinger's cat.
The King Of Karaoke Posted - 06/07/2004 : 02:30:36
That is a sign.

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
The King Of Karaoke Posted - 06/07/2004 : 01:49:36
that's horrible and not at all funny sorry LBF

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
The King Of Karaoke Posted - 06/07/2004 : 01:48:52
This count?

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11

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