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 Killer Klowns from Outer Space

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheCroutonFuton Posted - 06/05/2004 : 20:55:28

What a movie. I love it! I just saw it maybe 7 months ago...My brother is an avid movie collector and whenever he gets the DVD of a movie he already has on tape he sends me the tape. I got this in the mail and was skeptical at first..but I popped it in and laughed my ass off the whole time. It's great! Anyone else seen this? It's only 10 bucks for the DVD, too, and it's well worth it!

"Freedom is a state of mind and the condition and position of your ass. Free your mind and your ass will follow." - Funkadelic
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TarTar Posted - 06/10/2004 : 10:47:49
"They shot popcorn at us, we barely got away!"

Yeah, I watched that a few months ago. Really ridiculous. Can't believe the film had a two million dollar budget. That just shows how great/bad the 80's were, when a film like Killer Klowns from Outer Space gets a two million dollar budget. I mean, that's probably like four million now, which was the budget for Donnie Darko, a grealy superior sci-fi film.

"You gotta watch the mota, Thurston. Yr fuckin memory just goes out the window."
Carl Posted - 06/10/2004 : 09:51:21
That's an old 80's video rental chestnut, reminds me of sunday nights with a couple of friends! The Dickies did the actual theme tune?! My brother has a Dickies 7" featuring a cover of Sabbath's Paranoid that's really good.
Jason Posted - 06/06/2004 : 10:53:53
Probably 83.7% of kids who grew up in the 80s have seen this movie. It was a cable TV staple of the time and every video store had it (In my room I even had a Killer Klowns poster, claimed from a video store display). The moment I saw this on DVD, I bought it.

It's a fine film. And I'll third that the Dickies theme is a really rockin' song. I've wanted to find that Dickies Killer Klowns record (EP?) for years and have never gotten around to it.
apl4eris Posted - 06/06/2004 : 08:08:44
Absolutely funny. One of the best well-done B movies I've ever seen.

The balloon animal dog on a leash cracks me up way more than it should.

If the only tool you have is an elbow macaroni,
all your problems look like Schroedinger's cat.
bedrock_barney Posted - 06/06/2004 : 02:32:24
Originally posted by WolfManMikeLonely

The Dickies do the theme song, pretty cool stuff.

"Hey fuck you if you don't like it."
-Johnny Thunders


Yeah, that's why I watched it.

As crummy B movies go, this isn't a bad one.

"I've rejoined the Cult of Ming / Star of favourite childhood movie of 1980"
christd1123 Posted - 06/05/2004 : 23:21:55
yes i have seen that many times and enjoy it. sometimes they will play it on the sci-fi channel, but thats very rare. but ya its an entertaining movie
WolfManMikeLonely Posted - 06/05/2004 : 21:19:09
The Dickies do the theme song, pretty cool stuff.

"Hey fuck you if you don't like it."
-Johnny Thunders

TheCroutonFuton Posted - 06/05/2004 : 20:57:24
That's what I thought, too, but I loved it!

"Freedom is a state of mind and the condition and position of your ass. Free your mind and your ass will follow." - Funkadelic
IceCream Posted - 06/05/2004 : 20:56:43
Haven't seen it, but it looks as though this is the dumbest movie ever.

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