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 Dude, I got stabbed by a frozen shrimp today

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Little Black Francis Posted - 06/05/2004 : 00:16:56
why do you always have to turn every topic into something about frozen shrimp?

The only defensive tactics a shrimp has is making you hurt when you make it die
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
apl4eris Posted - 06/08/2004 : 05:52:56

If the only tool you have is an elbow macaroni,
all your problems look like Schroedinger's cat.
This_Guy Posted - 06/08/2004 : 01:20:32
i read that in aincient mesopotamia, the frozen shrimp was the favoured weapon of left handed assasins.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 06/06/2004 : 14:54:38
Originally posted by Little Black Francis

that make you hurt when you make them die

the coolest thing I've ever edited or said

fuck me

Were you standing there going "Die!!! Come on, DIE!!! Look I'm not leaving 'til you die. If you don't die sunshine, you'll be sorry. Do I have to come over there and make you die!?!?!?"

Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!!
darwin Posted - 06/05/2004 : 11:51:43
God clearly doesn't want you serving any more shrimp.
SpudBoy Posted - 06/05/2004 : 06:50:37
Did you leave your blood on the shrimp when served? If so, did they like it more, or less?

IceCream Posted - 06/05/2004 : 00:19:44
Did you eat the shrimp thereafter?

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