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 Calgary vs Tampa Bay

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shineoftheever Posted - 05/25/2004 : 14:52:11
I'm personally a little bit excited about this year's Stanley Cup Finals match-up. I think it will be one of the best finals series since Vancouver/New York in 1994. In Tampa you've got a great group of young, hard-working and ultra-talented kids and in Calgary you've got a great combo of skill and grit. Tampa will outplay Calgary, but the Flames may outwork the Lightning. Goaltending seems pretty close, too hard to give an edge to either team. Flames coaching staff is a little more experienced. Should be a great series, I'm picking Tampa Bay in seven games. Game 1 starts in 75 minutes.

Do dyslexic-insomniac-agnostics stay up all night wondering if there really is a dog?
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shineoftheever Posted - 06/08/2004 : 09:52:17
BOO YA! Game was a little boring, end of the third was intense, all-in-all - great series! Can't wait for the World Cup in August. Iginla, St. Louis, and Richards all on the same team. GO CANADA!

"Signatures are for sissies"
Carolynanna Posted - 06/08/2004 : 09:19:56
Shine was bang on!

(good thing I didn't put any money down;)
Carolynanna Posted - 06/08/2004 : 08:56:23
Part of me can't help but say,
awwwww tee hee hee, sooooo close!
Little Black Francis Posted - 06/07/2004 : 21:44:01
> Teenager of the Year <

536 Posts
Posted - 05/25/2004 : 14:52:11

I'm personally a little bit excited about this year's Stanley Cup Finals match-up. I think it will be one of the best finals series since Vancouver/New York in 1994. In Tampa you've got a great group of young, hard-working and ultra-talented kids and in Calgary you've got a great combo of skill and grit. Tampa will outplay Calgary, but the Flames may outwork the Lightning. Goaltending seems pretty close, too hard to give an edge to either team. Flames coaching staff is a little more experienced. Should be a great series, I'm picking Tampa Bay in seven games. Game 1 starts in 75 minutes.

Do dyslexic-insomniac-agnostics stay up all night wondering if there really is a dog?

holy fuck dude

Cult of Andreychuk
Carolynanna Posted - 06/07/2004 : 10:32:07
I'm confused...
I was wrong too.
shineoftheever Posted - 06/07/2004 : 09:53:37
What a game, I can't wait for tonight, I can honestly say no matter who wins I will be happy. Jarome deserves a cup, but he's still young and I have no doubt he will get one. Tampa has just played so darn well as a team. These guys are putting my faith back into hockey. Awesome!

Do dyslexic-insomniac-agnostics stay up all night wondering if there really is a dog?
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 06/06/2004 : 09:40:56
Damn Carolyn and her voodoo. It was a tight race in any case.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"
The Champ Posted - 06/05/2004 : 00:22:24
I had a dream it will be Calgary in 7..cause they were in their white uniforms...we'l c...
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 06/04/2004 : 12:01:08
I was thinking that Calgary would lose tomorrow, but I feel the winds have changed.

Calgary in 6. No matter what voodoo Carolyn attempts to use. I wish I could be there.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"
Carolynanna Posted - 06/04/2004 : 11:45:17
d'oh, this is what I said in another thread.


Maybe just maybe I was trying to Dean,
so that they could win just one in TB
and come back to win in Calgary.
Didja think of that, huh, huh?


Funny, I'm quoting myself...
Methinks I should've placed some wagers.
If it goes that way, I called it!
shineoftheever Posted - 06/04/2004 : 11:37:29
Just putting this post near the top again, I'm still picking Tampa in 7, Saturday will be a great game!
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/26/2004 : 07:35:48
Heh heh, yeah, they should move that team to Winnipeg or Quebec or something. You know I hear a lot of talk...

When is the next game? I hope Calgary keeps their claws sharp. Winning game 1 could be the worst thing they could do.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"
darwin Posted - 05/25/2004 : 21:25:59
If the Islanders aren't in it, I root for the oldest, most northern teams. If Tampa wins, there will be be a four car parade in a mall parking lot.
GHutt Posted - 05/25/2004 : 21:03:11
Calgary deserves to win the cup after knocking off three division leaders already. Hopefully they can build on the win tonight.
Carolynanna Posted - 05/25/2004 : 15:36:42
You'd think they already won the cup after they won last series.
Damn Calgarians! I want them to win but I know we'll never hear the end of it!

It would be nice for a Canadian team to win,
even though teams in the states consist of so many Canadian players.
But even more I'd like to see a team with a small payroll win.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/25/2004 : 15:32:02
Heh, no not so far anyway. One time I wore a Roughrider's cap. But I'll still be cheering like a madman and drinking beer from a 'foam dome'.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"
shineoftheever Posted - 05/25/2004 : 15:24:33
You're no a facepainter are you Cult? ;)

Do dyslexic-insomniac-agnostics stay up all night wondering if there really is a dog?
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/25/2004 : 15:19:27
I'm definitely behind Calgary. Will be at the local speakeasy.

<In Putty voice> Gotta support the team.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"
Carolynanna Posted - 05/25/2004 : 15:06:28
I'm soooooo torn!

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