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 I think I'm starting to lose it - chaotic playlist

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Active Duck Posted - 03/17/2025 : 07:49:00
I want to create a playlist with songs that build up to/descend into some kind of frantic/chaotic/manic/wild energy.

I don't know if there are any strict rules other than the fact that a song turning into an extended jam does not automatically qualify it as having the chaotic energy I'm looking for. I don't think it matters how long things get wild for. And it doesn't matter if it builds to chaotic energy and calms back down at the end.

The more contrast the better. Calm to chaos is better than chaos to even more chaos.

My Favourite example almost definitely Fear Is A Man's Best Friend by John Cale

It feels like Sonic Youth and Wilco probably have songs that fit the bill.

Anyone got any good examples? I'll update my post with new additions.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stevio10 Posted - 03/23/2025 : 13:01:41
Three more songs I would add that are all similar;

The Mercy Seat - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
On Every Train (Grain Will Bring Grain) - Crime and the City Solution
Under the Milky Way - The Church
Active Duck Posted - 03/19/2025 : 10:25:15
Oh yeah. Via Chicago works too. Thanks!

There's not much room left for chaos in that dressing room but I keep going back and watching this video of Wilco, Mavis Staples and Nick Lowe https://youtu.be/2WmlUXsjSv8?si=JXHHbMAK9net5ppB
Stevio10 Posted - 03/19/2025 : 09:37:41
Originally posted by Active Duck

Oh man you guys are too good. To make it easier for myself I think I'm going to add them all to the playlist and then try to work out from there if any don't hot the spot.

I've added a link to the work in progress playlist in my post up there ^^^

My Search for a Wilco track has brought me here... Handshake Drugs (11/13/03 Sear Sound-NYC Version) - https://youtu.be/H9wMLyIxGNs?si=G7rN8W2BWoqCGXAl

Exploring more Wilco has been one of the highlights of this whole exercise.

Although not as critically acclaimed as A Ghost Is Born or Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Summerteeth is my favourite Wilco album.

Via Chicago could maybe meet your criteria, it has shorter somewhat chaotic moments but it's a beautiful song.
Active Duck Posted - 03/19/2025 : 05:33:22
Oh man you guys are too good. To make it easier for myself I think I'm going to add them all to the playlist and then try to work out from there if any don't hot the spot.

I've added a link to the work in progress playlist in my post up there ^^^

My Search for a Wilco track has brought me here... Handshake Drugs (11/13/03 Sear Sound-NYC Version) - https://youtu.be/H9wMLyIxGNs?si=G7rN8W2BWoqCGXAl

Exploring more Wilco has been one of the highlights of this whole exercise.
Active Duck Posted - 03/19/2025 : 05:28:56
Originally posted by vilainde

The Catholics' cover of Do Nothing fits your description I think.

Sonic Youth - The Diamond Sea
Devo - Gut Feeling / Slap Yr Mammy
The Happy Hollows - Tambourine


Nice! I knew there was a Sonic Youth track that needed to be added. That's perfect. Somebody just suggested the almost but not quite as lengthy Cop Shoot Cop by Spiritualized.
Active Duck Posted - 03/19/2025 : 05:03:25
Originally posted by Stevio10

Not sure if this would fit the criteria in terms of meeting the 'chaos' aspect but there's certainly some build up to frenetic moments in these songs;

Love and Desperation - Jeffrey Lee Pierce
Jerusalem - Simon Finn
When It's Over - Wipers
Chinese Radiation - Pere Ubu
The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness - The Feelies
That's What You Always Say - The Dream Syndicate

Maybe the word 'chaos' it too extreme to describe what I mean. Frantic/chaotic/manic/wild/unhinged are the best words I can think of to describe what I'm looking for.

For the purposes of this playlist I'm defintely happy with a small amount of chaos. I think the most important thing is that the song sets down some kind of structure and then loses a grip on it/abandons it to some kind of chaotic energy however extreme or whatever form it takes. I'm interested in the whole range.

I'm not sure if any of that makes sense. My language skills fail me.

Jerusalem - Simon Finn... 100% what I'm looking for! I love how many of your (and everyone else's) suggestions are new to me.
Bedbug Posted - 03/18/2025 : 17:37:31
Careful with that Axe Eugene

That might be one of the first examples of what you’re looking for
Stevio10 Posted - 03/18/2025 : 13:59:36
Originally posted by vilainde

The Catholics' cover of Do Nothing fits your description I think.

Sonic Youth - The Diamond Sea
Devo - Gut Feeling / Slap Yr Mammy
The Happy Hollows - Tambourine


Gut Feeling - I hear those keys in Robert Onion
vilainde Posted - 03/18/2025 : 13:31:06
The Catholics' cover of Do Nothing fits your description I think.

Sonic Youth - The Diamond Sea
Devo - Gut Feeling / Slap Yr Mammy
The Happy Hollows - Tambourine

Stevio10 Posted - 03/18/2025 : 11:49:53
Not sure if this would fit the criteria in terms of meeting the 'chaos' aspect but there's certainly some build up to frenetic moments in these songs;

Love and Desperation - Jeffrey Lee Pierce
Jerusalem - Simon Finn
When It's Over - Wipers
Chinese Radiation - Pere Ubu
The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness - The Feelies
That's What You Always Say - The Dream Syndicate
Bedbug Posted - 03/18/2025 : 09:41:40
Interesting project.

I'm sure there are some ween songs that would come close to what you're looking for somewhere

This might be off the mark, but first thing I thought of was Herbie Hancock Watermelon Man
Active Duck Posted - 03/18/2025 : 06:16:14
Bending Hectic would be a pretty good name for this playlist. That's the only track here that I'm familiar with and I definitely think it fits the bill. I'm going to give the others a listen now. Thanks Alex/Discoking!
Discoking Posted - 03/18/2025 : 00:13:20
Does this qualify?

dEUS - Instant Street

it's educational
Skatealex1 Posted - 03/17/2025 : 20:49:07
I like songs that can do this kind of thing. There are a few that come to mind for me. I'd be curious what you think. Here a few that I'd think might fit in some way-

Also agree about Sonic Youth (don't know Wilco that much), I'd bet they have plenty of songs that can fit that bill-

Glass Beach- slip under the door

Animal Collective- Brothersport (it's got a lot of energy throughout but it does also kinda build as it goes)

The Smile- Bending Hectic

Mew- Rows (this song kind of goes a number of places but I'd imagine some of it might work for this kinda idea)
Active Duck Posted - 03/17/2025 : 07:49:50


I Think I'm Starting To Lose It - Frank Black & The Catholics
Fear Is A Man's Best Friend - John Cale
Heroin - The Velvet Underground
Pluto - Björk
A Day In The Life - The Beatles
Seems Hard - The Cardigans
The Axis - Thee Oh Sees
Bending Hectic - The Smile
slip under the door - Glass Beach
Animal Collective- Brothersport
Rows - Mew
Instant Street - dEUS
Watermelon Man - Herbie Hancock
Love and Desperation - Jeffrey Lee Pierce
Jerusalem - Simon Finn
When It's Over - Wipers
Chinese Radiation - Pere Ubu
The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness - The Feelies
That's What You Always Say - The Dream Syndicate
Do Nothing - Frank Black & The Catholics
The Diamond Sea - Sonic Youth
Devo - Gut Feeling / Slap Your Mammy
Tambourine - The Happy Hollows
Careful with that Axe Eugene - Pink Floyd
The National Anthem - Radiohead
Handshake Drugs (11/13/03 Sear Sound-NYC Version) - Wilco

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