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 Who remembers The Big Galoof?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
big_galoof Posted - 02/13/2025 : 09:27:02
Saw a couple of the TOTY 30th Anniversary shows and in the aftermath I thought I'd poke around here a bit, looking for signs of life - turns out you all never left! My last post was fully 20 years ago, an entire lifetime ago..!

Anyhoo, thanks to the member who recorded and posted the Palladium show. I was there, front row center!

The Big Galoof
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
big_galoof Posted - 02/14/2025 : 04:40:30
Originally posted by Active Duck

..renewed obsession with Olé Mulholland after that performance.

And yeah, OM has always been one of my favorite tracks. But I didn't know two things about it until very recently: that the "bullhorn"-type spoken word stuff was probably voiced by EDF on the record, and that they are both actual quotes from Mullholland himself. I'll bet that info is here on this very forum though, probably in a post dated 2003..
big_galoof Posted - 02/14/2025 : 04:36:36
Originally posted by Active Duck

How did you find show!? I was there a few rows back. I've developed a renewed obsession with Olé Mulholland after that performance.

I had seen them in Boston the preceding Friday - that show was better I think, mostly because Charles was more talkative (a real departure from Pixies shows!).. He seemed tired in London, maybe I'm projecting though because I was exhausted! Still an amazing show, by "regular" concert standards.

As a bigger fellow myself, I feel for his constant struggle to keep his trousers on - makes me absolutely leak compassion to watch him haul his pants up between every song.. [heart emoji]

What did you think?
big_galoof Posted - 02/14/2025 : 04:18:18
Hey there Jim! Really good to hear from you. Who else from the early oughts is still active on here?
Active Duck Posted - 02/14/2025 : 03:53:09
Hey Big Galoof. How did you find show!? I was there a few rows back. I've developed a renewed obsession with Olé Mulholland after that performance.
peter radiator Posted - 02/13/2025 : 11:36:41
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I do as well.



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