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 Bowie related new web serial We Are LOW Budget

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 04/01/2022 : 21:09:32
Hi there!
I just released on youtube the first episode of a documentary web serial I produced. It's called "WE are LOW Budget" and deals with hardcore hopeless French David Bowie fanatics. It's meant to be the start of a Brilliant Adventure.
Have a look here, it's in French but I added English subtitles.
Have a Bowie Kend!

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 03/29/2024 : 15:24:35
Originally posted by Discoking

i've just watched the first episode.
i'm not sure what i've just watched, but it's great and i will definitely check out the other episodes!

4th episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTrjKD8cA6w

it's educational

Thanks Discoking! I had great fun producing this. I am currently working on the sequel entitled "We Are LOW Definition" !

Discoking Posted - 03/26/2024 : 06:10:27
i've just watched the first episode.
i'm not sure what i've just watched, but it's great and i will definitely check out the other episodes!

4th episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTrjKD8cA6w

it's educational
Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 07/30/2022 : 06:48:03
Third episode available! A 40 minutes long portrait of the presidents of the U.F.F.B. (the Bowie Union of French Fanatics) a crypto-fascist French fan club dedicated to David Bowie. Any resemblance to existing persons is purely coincidental... #128521;
Here is the link on Youtube: https://youtu.be/UXrdb9IEqxA

Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 05/02/2022 : 01:05:19
Hello! Episode 2 is now available. I unleashed scary monsters and super creeps in this one. With English subs and a litlle nod to our beloved Pixies...

Bedbug Posted - 04/02/2022 : 17:13:06
Wow, I'm 2:42 into it and I love it already.

And I'm not nearly as big a Bowie fan as you seem to be but I'm really going to love watching all of this when I have time to finish it.

Thanks for sharing Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo.

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