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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lucmove Posted - 10/08/2013 : 17:21:51
2013 really is the year of the comebacks.

I just ran into another comeback: Sebadoh released a new album quite recently.


Yes, an album. Not EPs. Clearly a bunch of old timers with no vision.

Anyway... Once again, I found out about it completely by accident. I am now worried about what else I could be missing. Shall we share a list of recent comebacks to watch?

My Bloody Valentine
David Bowie
The Pixies

Please contribute.

"- Thanks!"
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
trobrianders Posted - 11/04/2013 : 13:09:10
Absolutely on all counts. I can't stop playing Lay Myself Down

Ed is the hoo hoo
vilainde Posted - 11/04/2013 : 10:28:41
The new Mazzy Star is really, really good. They haven't changed at all in 20 years and some songs are carbon copies of the old ones, but boy, they're good at it. I think it's even better than the 3rd one (Among My Swan). The harpsichord or something on Sparrow is stunning.


Obsidiana Bijoux
Srisaket Posted - 10/10/2013 : 22:14:29
Prefab Sprout

lucmove Posted - 10/10/2013 : 22:01:07
Hey. It's not that I forgot Mazzy Star. I had no idea they had a new album. Now I know, and that is exactly the purpose of this thread.

Today I listened to their new release and I liked it, although they always seemed a bit like "background music" to me. Pretty sweet nevertheless.

I also listened to Bowie and I liked it. Nothing brilliant, but solid. On the queue for repeated listening.

And I also listened to Sebadoh. Good surprise. I've never been really a fan, but this new album sounds good to me. Better than the old stuff. Sometimes it sounds a little bit like Bob Mould's Sugar, which is good.

I am not familiar with the Oblivians, will investigate tomorrow.

Please see my sig.

"- Thanks!"
vilainde Posted - 10/08/2013 : 23:02:27
You forgot Mazzy Star. Haven't heard the new record yet. And the Oblivians.

The new Bowie was a huge disappointment to me. Everyone went nuts about it but it has a couple of really ugly songs. It would have made a decent 10-tracks album though.


Obsidiana Bijoux

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