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 Sparks appreciation thread

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TarTar Posted - 07/02/2012 : 13:13:38
These guys have been doing it right for so long

Hasta Manana Monsieur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WWCpvoedfE&feature=fvwrel

When I'm With You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ7Fs8szLgI

Girl From Germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnnk4sJ-JnA

Tips For Teens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZBYImQOyoY

Number 1 Song In Heaven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc_x2-rCFWI

Amateur Hour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSOgxD1kgl0

My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vilainde Posted - 06/27/2013 : 04:13:59
Bought my first Sparks record yesterday - Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing. Those guys know how to write a song.


Obsidiana Bijoux
BLT Posted - 07/10/2012 : 07:54:13
I was just listening to Big Beat yesterday. It's nowhere close to being their best album but it has a couple of gems.

"Throw Her Away" never fails to crack me up:

Just like everything else in this world
Time wreaks havoc on every girl
What do you do, what do you do, what do you do?
Throw her away and get a new one
Chris Knight Posted - 07/07/2012 : 22:51:47
Never heard of these guys before 2 days ago, but I was listening to that "your call is very appreciated" song from Lil Beethoven, and it was somehow like listening to a supergroup with members of Wire and Queen. Awesome!
TarTar Posted - 07/05/2012 : 16:10:27
Those Dirtbombs do branch out more than your average garage punks (they would hate that term anyway), covering Robyn Hitchcock and Sparks... proud they are a local band!

My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
vilainde Posted - 07/05/2012 : 09:33:57
I've never listened to the Sparks but the Dirtbombs covered Sherlock Holmes and I got obsessed with that song, so I've been meaning to listen to them for a while now. Thanks for the links.



Obsidiana Bijoux
TarTar Posted - 07/05/2012 : 07:48:23
I was listening to the Sparks song "When I'm With You" and my roommate was complaining about how that synth-oriented 80s era of Sparks gives them a bad name, but fuck it, I love that stuff. "Beat the Clock" is pretty champion.


My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
BLT Posted - 07/03/2012 : 05:28:44
I love them. There are still blocks missing from my collection but I have all the albums up to Big Beat, also Angst and Whomp (which I tend to think of as a double album) and everything since Lil Beethoven. Not crazy about the other more electronic-sounding stuff but I may revisit it at a later date.

I was fortunate to attend this show a few years ago. It really was amazing. And that was less than a year after their "Sparks Spectacular" series of gigs in London, a feat which still boggles my mind.

One of my faves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw9iCCPUZSo

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