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 The new Brakes album

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pot Posted - 04/22/2009 : 07:17:17
Who needs another Pixies album, check out the new album by Brakes, called Touchdown. It's very Pixieish, not uncommon these days, and also very fucking good.

Hear here.


7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pot Posted - 04/24/2009 : 13:32:19
Nice song. That's the song my friend was thinking about.

They borrow a lot of styles from a lot of records. there's nothing wrong that, in fact it is to be encouraged.

Flaming Lips, The have a nice sound, but their albums are a bit fillery. I recommend At War With the Mystics and Hit To Death In The Future Head or something...

Must check out that first J&MC album I missed.

You might be right about the Brakes, I can't help being drawn into feel good music when I'm stoned.

ClassicalRey Posted - 04/24/2009 : 12:48:12
It's kinda like this song.
But anyone coulda thunk of that bass line.

I'm not too familiar with the Flaming Lips.
I can hear that Bossanova vibe from whatever voice effect he's got on, but that's all it is to me.
It's just similar frosting.

I don't wanna be this guy who's raggin on the Brakes. They've got some juice.
But they got a big pitcher to fill, my friend.

Blame anyone, it's Mr Black's fault.

Am I coming off as a stinkin grump cuz I'm trying to be only playfully antagonistic?
(the punctuation situation on that statement really sucks)
pot Posted - 04/24/2009 : 11:48:38
Funny you mention the J&MC, I am playing the new album to my friend, who it 10 years older than me and more in tune with the eighties,. As soon as Oh! Forever came on he said, Oh yeah that's totally a ripped off J&MC bassline.

I'm getting Pixies and Flaming Lips a lot, the mantra vocal style that Oh! Forever has, and especially Crush on You remind me a lot of Bossanova.

ClassicalRey Posted - 04/23/2009 : 16:53:33
Gotta admit, though.
I like Two Shocks.
pot Posted - 04/23/2009 : 15:31:10
Oh erm, second to Petits Fours, of course.

ClassicalRey Posted - 04/23/2009 : 13:53:54
They give me more of a Jesus and Mary Chain vibe than a Pixies vibe.
Especially for Oh! Forever.

I don't know what to say.
Nothing has lodged Frank Black from my brain. Ever.

Believe me, I've tried.
I've been around, but I always find myself seeking Black's Big Bed.

Sorry to say, but.
Album of the year so far?

(Them's fightin words)
pot Posted - 04/23/2009 : 00:04:54
Yeah I just felt I needed to express my awe at this album again. At times they sound like The Flaming Lips at their best, other times very Pixieish, and other bands.

The PIxies are a very complex phenomenon, and it is to my delight that I find them mimicking some of the, for want of a better way to describe it, the talking in a low kinda whispery voice, with a deep trudging bass line and grungy jangly guitars, kind of like some of the stuff off side 2 of Bossanova. Oh! Forever is probably the best example of this.

I'm rocking my socks off to that and Eternal Return, very uplifting.

I'd say this is my album of the year so far.


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