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 Things you did that you hadn't done you wish......

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Llamadance Posted - 06/24/2006 : 05:55:55
......you had done before.

Going down a water flume on holiday \o/ \o/

Not particularly a swimming fan, so hardly go, but water slides are ace. 36 and lost my virginity.


What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 06/26/2006 : 05:10:53
I wish I had stuck with the guitar at an earlier age. The break ruined my chances of stardom.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
ScottP Posted - 06/24/2006 : 16:15:10
Cleaned my guitars.
ObfuscateByWill Posted - 06/24/2006 : 14:08:29
Cleaned my gutters.

*Release the bats!
Daisy Girl Posted - 06/24/2006 : 12:20:50
I think there's a few things writing more instead of just thinking about writing, starting a band just for fun and not really to play for any audience, travel more, volunteer for several months in an area facing a famine or some kind of natural disaster.
fbc Posted - 06/24/2006 : 07:24:14
'The Oblivion' at Alton Towers. I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to heights.
PixieSteve Posted - 06/24/2006 : 06:13:42
learning to play guitar... my parents encouraged me from a very early age but i kept resisting it. both my brothers could play and i just got frustrated and gave up too easily. the summer i discovered the pixies, that changed! if i'd have learnt as a kid i'd be awesome.

water slides are great


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