T O P I C R E V I E W |
jtjcp88 |
Posted - 06/19/2006 : 09:29:13 I know stereotypes are a dodgy subject and are often borderline racist, sexist etc etc, but are there any out there (in all honesty) that you consider to be true?
Personally ive always thought that the stereotype that black men are generally faster than white males to be true.
Obviously to make a generaliation about a race is racist, but ive always imagined, wether it be from my experience of real life athletics or those that i see on the TV, that one on one most black males would win a race against a non-black male. Possibly the same applies to women.
Remeber im not trying to offend anyone here, im just curious as to wether there has ever been a time where you could relate someone or something to a stereotype?
"Dance at my party." |
35 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
speedy_m |
Posted - 07/10/2006 : 10:03:26 quote: Originally posted by Broken Face
Saying coffee CAW-fee, saying dog DAWG, having big hair (if you're a woman), being overly Italian-stereotype with your wife-beater guinea tees and tattoos and spikey hair, liking Bon Jovi, etc.
-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
My cousins from Jersey say CAW-fee. I love it, its hilarious. Mostly normal speech and then for a few words here and there they're suddenly Linda Richman.
he's back jack smoking crack find him if you want to get found
VoVat |
Posted - 07/10/2006 : 09:36:11 Hmm, I don't have any Bon Jovi albums. I guess I didn't get the proper Welcome Wagon package when I moved here. No Springsteen albums, either.
"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares." |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 07/04/2006 : 10:15:45 quote: Originally posted by cassandra is
The English don't stop telling that the French don't stop whining about the English 'cos they really want to be them, because in fact, the English secretly and desperately wish they were French. 

pas de bras pas de chocolat
I admit, I do wish we were still in the World Cup.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Carl |
Posted - 07/04/2006 : 08:41:42 "A day is a long time in the world of dental hygiene."-some famous dentally-minded political figure.
 Join the Cult Of Pob! |
vilainde |
Posted - 07/04/2006 : 08:19:17 quote: Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey
The French don't stop whinging about the English 'cos they really want to be them.
Once I tried not to brush my teeth for a whole day. It felt disgusting.
Your team sucks |
cassandra is |
Posted - 07/04/2006 : 08:03:15 The English don't stop telling that the French don't stop whining about the English 'cos they really want to be them, because in fact, the English secretly and desperately wish they were French. 

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 07/04/2006 : 06:25:07 The French don't stop whinging about the English 'cos they really want to be them.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
cassandra is |
Posted - 07/04/2006 : 04:52:40 English are bad losers

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 12:50:31 quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
I can just see you using that as a rape defense, Mike. :P
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."
Naaah, I'd never use that one again.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Cult_Of_Frank |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 12:05:54 quote: Originally posted by cassandra is
quote: Originally posted by Broken Face
You have to understand - i may be one of only a dozen NJ denizens that i know that doesn't own a Bon Jovi album. It used to be like that with Springsteen (who is infinetely better, if still not one of my favorites), but Jovi took over in the late 80s.
-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
oh my god! that's sounds like living in hell!!
It is. We call it Jersey.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." |
Cult_Of_Frank |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 12:04:46 I can just see you using that as a rape defense, Mike. :P
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 10:40:18 quote: Originally posted by cassandra is
quote: Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey
The French don't know how to fuck.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
yeah maybe we don't know how to fuck, but we do know how to make Love... eh eh 

pas de bras pas de chocolat
Who wants to make love? Booooring!
Everyone wants to fuck really, no matter what they say.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 10:38:32 quote: Originally posted by vilainde
HA! Funny how the english know all the things that give bad breath, and yet are unable to name a single brand of toothpaste.
Your team sucks
I could name many.
I'll get back to you.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Carl |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 10:33:30 I just thought, a good name for a lesbian rock band would be The Stereodykes.
 "Leguman...Leguman!" |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:50:28 quote: Originally posted by Broken Face
You have to understand - i may be one of only a dozen NJ denizens that i know that doesn't own a Bon Jovi album. It used to be like that with Springsteen (who is infinetely better, if still not one of my favorites), but Jovi took over in the late 80s.
-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
oh my god! that's sounds like living in hell!!
*but I better shut up, lots of my friends have horrible musical tastes*

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Broken Face |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:45:39 You have to understand - i may be one of only a dozen NJ denizens that i know that doesn't own a Bon Jovi album. It used to be like that with Springsteen (who is infinetely better, if still not one of my favorites), but Jovi took over in the late 80s.
-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com |
PixieSteve |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:43:20 ah i've never been sure where in america that stereotype was from. thanks
FAST_MAN  RAIDER_MAN - June 19th |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:43:08 "liking Bon Jovi"?!! ouch! that's harsh!

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Broken Face |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:41:00 Saying coffee CAW-fee, saying dog DAWG, having big hair (if you're a woman), being overly Italian-stereotype with your wife-beater guinea tees and tattoos and spikey hair, liking Bon Jovi, etc.
-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:36:32 so what are the others Brian?
It's always raining in England

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Broken Face |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:16:25 Most NJ stereotypes are true of much of the population. Thankfully, i don't think many apply to me, other than the loud, fast talking, using my hands to speak thing.
-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com |
jtjcp88 |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:16:03 quote: Originally posted by PixieSteve
people who use internet forums are geeks
I thought i'd show you a recent picture of myself just to disprove your theory steve.

"Dance at my party." |
PixieSteve |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:08:03 people who use internet forums are geeks
jtjcp88 |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 06:04:41 California girls are slags
"Dance at my party." |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:51:34 that's because we smell good naturally
The Arabs are thieves.

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
starmekitten |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:48:21 Deodorant is as mythical a creature to the French as sasquatch or chupacabras.
forum ebook: end of miles |
vilainde |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:43:58 HA! Funny how the english know all the things that give bad breath, and yet are unable to name a single brand of toothpaste.
Your team sucks |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:43:41 quote: Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey
The French don't know how to fuck.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
yeah maybe we don't know how to fuck, but we do know how to make Love... eh eh 

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:41:55 quote: Originally posted by starmekitten
The five major French food groups are Garlic, Onions, Stones, Vinegar and Bottom feeders
forum ebook: end of miles
that's wrong, but well... gastromie can't be understood by English people I guess
The English have a great sense of humour

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Doog |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:27:21 Oh lordy..
------------------ www.myspace.com/doog = solo choons www.myspace.com/casabonitaband = noisey stuff www.myspace.com/weevilknievel = surfrockpop geekery www.myspace.com/ukpixiestribute = Nimrod's Son |
starmekitten |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:19:10 The five major French food groups are Garlic, Onions, Stones, Vinegar and Bottom feeders
forum ebook: end of miles |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:16:15 ah non! for nothing in the world I would eat English food... beurk!!
English food is horrible

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
starmekitten |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 05:03:46 quote: Originally posted by cassandra is
the English don't wash themselves very often
filthy french lies...
The French wish they were English
The French and the English get along swimmingly because of this
forum ebook: end of miles |
cassandra is |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 04:55:18 quote: Originally posted by jtjcp88
quote: Originally posted by cassandra is
oh I didn't knew that one Tre...
Black Women are hot

pas de bras pas de chocolat
And have, as they say, big booty.
"Dance at my party."
and Asian Women have small breasts

pas de bras pas de chocolat |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/20/2006 : 04:51:01 Or floop's mom.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place