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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/08/2005 : 04:25:36
What should the new poll on the main page be about? Ideas?

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
VoVat Posted - 12/11/2005 : 21:25:09
Or a mole with a pole as his goal?

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."
Carl Posted - 12/11/2005 : 20:47:12
Or prole on parole?!

"Join the Honeycult!"
VoVat Posted - 12/11/2005 : 10:23:07
How about Pole on pole, a poll for polish people sitting on poles.

What about Polish pole dancers at the North Pole?

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."
Monsieur Posted - 12/10/2005 : 01:57:46
Originally posted by vilainde

"Who's your favorite moderator?"


"You know what? You know what? You know what? Shut the fuck up!"

I somehow think Dave would get 101% of our votes

I will show you fear in a handful of dust
kathryn Posted - 12/09/2005 : 18:57:13
His grandma called him Chuckie.

I got some heaven in my head

Carl Posted - 12/09/2005 : 17:56:33
Or you could call him Black. Or Mr. Thompson.

"Join the Honeycult!"
Daisy Girl Posted - 12/09/2005 : 17:09:28
If you met Frank Black how would you adress him?


Black Francis


The best musician that ever lived
BLT Posted - 12/09/2005 : 16:29:36
Originally posted by Carl

How about Pole on pole, a poll for polish people sitting on poles.

Yo. Concur w/ a shoutout to Polish pegboys the world over.

Carl Posted - 12/09/2005 : 16:05:28
How about Pole on pole, a poll for polish people sitting on poles.

Nurse, could you up the dose?

"Join the Honeycult!"
VoVat Posted - 12/09/2005 : 12:59:58
Favorite recurring topic in Frank's songs?

Aliens/outer space
The break-up of the Pixies and his intense hatred for Kim (wait, scratch that one)

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."
Daisy Girl Posted - 12/08/2005 : 20:56:12
Which do you prefer Frank on acoustic or electric?
PixieSteve Posted - 12/08/2005 : 20:39:17
How's it hanging?


BLT Posted - 12/08/2005 : 20:37:29
Point well taken.

Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/08/2005 : 20:35:53
If I were to do that it'd probably only have EDF anyway, so leaving off Tiven is a given. :P

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
BLT Posted - 12/08/2005 : 20:29:56
How about "Frank's Best Producer"?

If there's too many, just leave Tiven off the list.
chineselover Posted - 12/08/2005 : 15:03:21
Ultimate frank is screaming frank! its an art form
kathryn Posted - 12/08/2005 : 13:55:26
Do you prefer:

Screaming Frank
Falsetto Frank
Crooning Frank

I got some heaven in my head

chineselover Posted - 12/08/2005 : 13:39:15
Two polls - fave catholics album, and then fave solo, and THEN run the two winners off against each other on a third poll!
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/08/2005 : 07:19:37
Shhhh! :)

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
misleadtheworld Posted - 12/08/2005 : 07:12:15
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

A lifetime supply of Fudd Beer!

I thought they took that off the market after all those Simpsons fans went blind?

Carl Posted - 12/08/2005 : 06:47:47
How about 'Which of these 7 titles would be best for Frank's next album?'

"Join the Honeycult!"
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/08/2005 : 06:21:49
A lifetime supply of Duff Beer!

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 12/08/2005 : 06:20:03
What do I win?

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/08/2005 : 06:01:19
That could work!

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 12/08/2005 : 05:54:41
Favourite Catholics album? or solo album?

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/08/2005 : 05:12:13
No, the reason we haven't done that one is because I think the poll only supports up to seven. So we'd have to drop quite a few, which could be contentious. I think it safe to say that even though some people love COR, brown, and Pistolero, they probably wouldn't win. Nor would SSMVGD. And we could remove Oddballs, that would make 7. But I imagine I will receive some scathing hate literature as a result of this. :)

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
misleadtheworld Posted - 12/08/2005 : 04:59:39
Best Frank Album:

1. Frank Black
2. Teenager of the Year
3. Cult of Ray
4. FB & the Catholics
5. Pistolero
6. Dog in the Sand
7. Devils Workshop
8. Black Letter Days
9. Show Me Your Tears
10. Honeycomb
11. Oddballs
12. Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove Day

Can you have 12 options?

vilainde Posted - 12/08/2005 : 04:46:29
"Who's your favorite moderator?"


"You know what? You know what? You know what? Shut the fuck up!"

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