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 March of the Penguins

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Carolynanna Posted - 07/08/2005 : 12:41:41
Are you stoked or what Mikey?!


Seriously though it sounds right up your alley;
" after a ritual courtship of intricate dances and delicate maneuvering, accompanied by a cacophony of ecstatic song - they will pair off into monogamous couples and mate."

I bet you'll cry.

Don't believe the hype.
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edbanky Posted - 07/11/2006 : 15:11:29
I appear to be alone in believing this film is nothing special, at all. I see more cinematic, artistic, entertaining or otherwise screenworthy documentary-type stuff on TV all the time. I honestly hope this doesn't set the stage for a more of these so-so documentaries to jump toward the big screen.


(Maybe the French script would've made a difference?)

© 2006 The True Jesus Organization and AIDS Babies
hammerhands Posted - 07/11/2006 : 12:40:58
On the subject of this documentary...I had the 'pleasure' of watching it over and over.

I told someone who is hard of hearing that I could add subtitles to the DVD but I couldn't find any closed captions on the 'Net so I transcribed the whole thing. I had it memorized, I think I can still recall about a quarter of it. One day when I was synching the subtitles I found a completed set on the 'Net, about 15 hours of work all for not, oh well.

Anyway, the subtitles that had been available were English translations of the original French dialogue (La Marche de l'Empereur). Holy crap they're completely different! The French is in first person (er penguin), "We are alone", it's also very poetic.

My thought was, and my question is, are French wildlife documentaries commonly done in the first person (er penguin)?

If anyone liked this documentary and have conversational French (I get by ok) they should see what they are missing! You can read the subtitle files, sort of, if you google subtitles and DivX.

It is rather odd (headache inducing) to listen to one voice and read another, by the way.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/11/2006 : 10:58:42
Well more like your nipple, but I get your point.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Carl Posted - 07/11/2006 : 10:15:07
It's lucky there's no Zidane penguin-he'd have your eye out!

Join the Cult Of Pob! And don't forget to listen to the Pobcast!
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/11/2006 : 10:13:45
Brilliant. I hope this is a feature of the next Pro Evolution Soccer game.

Some excellent goals in that by the way.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Carl Posted - 07/08/2006 : 15:18:10


Join the Cult Of Pob! And don't forget to listen to the Pobcast!
kathryn Posted - 08/17/2005 : 18:41:16
See what I'm getting at, C? There was a lot of loose and fast sex on that there tundra, wasn't there? And to the last one they were naked.
That movie should have been R-17.

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Carolynanna Posted - 08/17/2005 : 18:35:12

Don't believe the hype.
kathryn Posted - 08/17/2005 : 18:20:11
All you romantics are forgetting that, according to the movie, penguins stay with their mate for a year and then it's hasta la vista baby, I'm on to the next penguin.

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Daisy Girl Posted - 08/17/2005 : 16:58:00
I bet your husband would really like it. Honestly, I don't know anyone who doesn't.

What I think this movie did such a great job of showing is the sacerfices parents make for kids. Also the sweet and tender side and very hard survivalist sides of both genders. It really brought out a more sensitive side of the typical stereo type of male animals.

"I ain't goin to be what I ain't"
mosleyk Posted - 08/17/2005 : 16:44:21
I am still trying to convince my husband to see this with me. All your posts give me great amo!!!!!
Daisy Girl Posted - 08/17/2005 : 16:03:45
Originally posted by TheCroutonFuton

Originally posted by Carolynanna

You know with how many penguins die on the journey and eggs and chicks that don't make it, I'm amazed that there are any penguins.

I was thinking the same thing - unless Emperor penguins can have more than one baby at a time..the population must be steadily decreasing every year?

Animals think...They're pretty smart!
Shit on the ground...See in the dark!

it's not a definate... b/c the average lifespan of the penguin is more than one year... so they can have XX babies in a lifetime but if you factor in environmental stuff...and other factors yes that could be the case.

and yes those courtship scenes are so sweet like when they are nuzzling ;)

"I ain't goin to be what I ain't"
TheCroutonFuton Posted - 08/17/2005 : 15:50:30
Originally posted by Carolynanna

You know with how many penguins die on the journey and eggs and chicks that don't make it, I'm amazed that there are any penguins.

I was thinking the same thing - unless Emperor penguins can have more than one baby at a time..the population must be steadily decreasing every year?

Animals think...They're pretty smart!
Shit on the ground...See in the dark!
Carolynanna Posted - 08/17/2005 : 11:55:10
Went to see it yesterday with the kidlees.

You know with how many penguins die on the journey and eggs and chicks that don't make it, I'm amazed that there are any penguins.

The courtship was really sweet.

Don't believe the hype.
Carl Posted - 08/17/2005 : 11:27:18
Hehe, reminds me of this....

kathryn Posted - 08/17/2005 : 11:21:05
Carl, it's the sweetest movie.

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Carl Posted - 08/17/2005 : 11:15:53
I'm curious, now!
kathryn Posted - 08/17/2005 : 11:12:27
Originally posted by Carl

This has overtaken Amelie to become the second most successful French film in the US after The Fifth Element!

That's because the penguin sex is hotter than the sex in Amelie!

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Carl Posted - 08/17/2005 : 11:10:51
This has overtaken Amelie to become the second most successful French film in the US after The Fifth Element!
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 08/17/2005 : 06:11:29
Good to see that back again.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
fruitcake Posted - 08/17/2005 : 00:54:46


don't get me wrong though, I love them, too!

must be a devil between us!
fumanbru Posted - 08/16/2005 : 20:39:08
me and mrs. fu just saw it. loved it! amazing how all the penguins go on that march and meet up at the breeding area all at once. totally cosmic. i thought for a second that maybe frank was touring the south pole.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 08/15/2005 : 06:31:38
Best film EVER!

Can't wait to see it.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
HeywoodJablome Posted - 08/14/2005 : 07:20:41
Even as a kid I was always fascinated by the way two penguins would face each other and do their little conversational head movements. Penguin sex huh? Hopefully there is no Ron Jeremy penguin in the movie
Daisy Girl Posted - 08/13/2005 : 14:55:28
I finally saw this a few weeks ago. It was so amazing. Man, those penguins are a tough group they are... gotta give em props.

"I ain't goin to be what I ain't"
Carl Posted - 08/13/2005 : 05:10:52
Everyone's facinated by wildlife documentaries, myself included. I suppose it's because it's a glimpse into the natural world that seems almost like fantasy, er, but it's real!! :)
kathryn Posted - 08/12/2005 : 19:41:39
HPM, I saw this movie tonight and you must do so immediately, as well as buy it when it comes out on DVD.

I'm not even a penguin person, yet it stirred my soul. The penguins are to ooh and aahh over, plus the underwater scenes are especially enchanting.

Just brace yourself -- it features raw, naked penguin-on-penguin sex, during which I had to avert my gaze away from the steamy screen and onto my bag of popcorn.

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/11/2005 : 06:35:44
Very good Toby, very good.

I just hope they do not end up as portions for foxes though.

Don't believe the type!
tobafett Posted - 07/10/2005 : 13:38:07
talking leads to touching.
touching leads to sex.
and then there is no mystery left.

it's bad news, mike, it's bad news.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/10/2005 : 13:23:57
I don't want them to mate Toby, just to hang out.

Don't believe the type!
tobafett Posted - 07/10/2005 : 11:05:20
Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey
I want them to meet each other, but I am not sure how I can bring about this holy union.

Penkeys? Monkguins?

how unholy. :)

my ex-boss loved penguins as well...she was nuts over the creatures...

and the smells in the penguin houses i've visited (new engl. aquarium comes to mind) was horrid. ick.

but penguins are cool birds...
Superabounder Posted - 07/10/2005 : 10:02:50
the 4th of July weekend was a penguin weekend for me. Saw March of the Penguins Sunday with my son, then watched the penguin masterminds in Madagascar with him on Monday. Love the hypnotizing penguin part "you didn't see anything" in the trailer to Madagascar.
It is truly amazing that real penguins ever have baby penguins. Our dallas aquarium has about eight baby penguins that are about the funniest/cutest little creatures I've ever seen. The smell, now that is a different subject.

All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies
Daisy Girl Posted - 07/10/2005 : 09:48:57
carolynanna, have had the website music up on my computer since you posted this topic!!

I've seen the commercial and it looks really good
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 07/10/2005 : 07:54:13
I frickin love them Toby. They are, along with monkeys, the greatest creatures on this planet.

I want them to meet each other, but I am not sure how I can bring about this holy union.

Don't believe the type!
tobafett Posted - 07/09/2005 : 11:01:52
this does look neat...

forgive my ignorance--homers, you really dig penguins or somethin'?

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