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 When your band gets compared to Pavement

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TarTar Posted - 11/02/2013 : 07:01:55
You might as well just play Pavement songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pljPvg1KHCE

My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shineoftheever Posted - 11/03/2013 : 19:56:49
no such thing as bad press...

keep up the good work and make sure i'm on the guest list when you get to my town.

"Do Re Me So Far So Good"
TarTar Posted - 11/03/2013 : 07:36:56
Our singer/songwriter was using that moniker for the project for a long time. It was a "bedroom" project, so to speak, for many years. He has written and recorded nearly 500 songs in the last decade and never really played them out anywhere. He had released an EP on bandcamp under the name Boring People last fall and asked my girlfriend, a co-worker, to design a cover for it. She asked to hear the music to get a feel for the art ideas and was blown away at how good a singer and songwriter he was. I heard the recordings and decided it was my duty to get this project out of the bedroom and onto the stage. We just kept using that name. It tends to be one of those names people love or hate, and yeah, it's been used a positive ("despite their name, they are not boring") and a negative ("well this band lives up to their name"). I'm fine with it either way.

My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
floop Posted - 11/02/2013 : 11:45:59
cool TarTar. nicely done

when you guys came up with your name did you ever discuss the possibility that some smart ass music critic might use your name in an unclever, insulting fashion?

green star member since 2006. smb?
TarTar Posted - 11/02/2013 : 11:30:41
Yeah, that's us. Boring People. Here we are doing "Grounded". This was for a Halloween cover show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_teEWIZyrs

My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner... reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
shineoftheever Posted - 11/02/2013 : 08:53:08
is that your band?

"Do Re Me So Far So Good"

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