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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pot Posted - 03/22/2013 : 20:00:27
Do you like death metal.

I like death metal.

This death metal album is very good. It has all the things you want from a death metal album, plus it's got lots of bin melting nuclear riffmongery. Slow deep bassy grungy chunky going to war sometime during the dark ages riffmongery.

I got into this shit when I was a young guy, and even though my tastes in music have expanded I never stopped liking this kind of music and occasionally delve back into some classics from the 85-90 era.

There were and still are a lot of really lame bands copying this style of music, it's not really that hard to do, but sometimes a band comes along and does it really well, adds something new to it. I like this album because it has long epic battle music songs, that can be a bit repetitive maybe but in a good way. In between the extreme death metal splurges of doom and terror there are moments where they also sound a bit like the Floyd, and also Iron Maiden. Megadeth, Death, Slayer, all that kind of shit

Haven't heard a death/thrash metal album as good as this since the early 90s.

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16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
danjersey Posted - 10/29/2013 : 04:16:37
there's always Vol. 4
Thomas Posted - 10/29/2013 : 02:45:24
I must be getting old when it takes seven months to hear a shout out.

My metal days are so far behind me. Last year I finally got my record collection out of the crawl space and purchased a cheap record player. The nostalgia wore off quick. It's so hard to listen to some of those albums. My wife got me a used copy of Ziggy, and new from Amazon copies of Trompe and Bossa for Christmas. Guess what I'm listening to.

"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard"
tisasawath Posted - 10/28/2013 : 11:32:27
don't know, getting so high in the charts is certainly respectable in its own right, but that sounded pretty derivative to me. i still rather hear something a little more pioneering, even old stuff like Morbid Angel's Immortal Rites or Lord of all fevers and plague, with some hint of *different* in an otherwise staple sound.
Carl Posted - 10/28/2013 : 09:20:22
Carcass' new album apparently reached 41 in the Billboard charts, big success for a band like that. I may actually have to pick this up, I kind of lost interest around their last two but it sounds like they're back on form.

pixie punk Posted - 10/02/2013 : 07:18:47
http://m.reverbnation.com/artist/saintvulturesoul I'm not playing live with them anymore but I still write lyrics for our new material.We opened for Morbid Angel in the mid 90's here in Puerto Rico (I was stage manager and played too).Speaking D.M. The pioneers Possessed are playing La Isla Del Encanto Oct.12 and Saint Vulture Soul are the opening act for Kreator in P.R. Nov.26.The band also opened for Destruction here in the island.

pot Posted - 03/26/2013 : 17:52:56
This band would still have been in nappies when I was going to gigs by bands playing this kind of music in 1989-91. They are a total rip off, but all music is a rip off. None of us invented the chord system or the consiousnsess/physical apparatus for enjoying music. You can hear Foyld and Maiden particularly well in this song, which also has a 4 min intro song to it.


And the live version which is not as epic but longer.


All the rest is extreme and arythmycial still up on 3voor12 AFAIK

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pot Posted - 03/24/2013 : 10:15:35
I'm surprised I still listen to it at all. Kind of grew out of it when I was 19 really, still go back to it occasionally.

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danjersey Posted - 03/24/2013 : 10:05:10
as long as metal or in this case Death Metal continues to rip shit on an epic level, I'm good.
pot Posted - 03/24/2013 : 09:32:24
To be fair, there isn't really much scope to expand on the basic format of death metal. Inter Arma rip the shit out of loads of other bands, but they do it so epically. The Long Road Home is really like something off Maiden's Powerslave or Stranger in a Strange Land, with a bit of Floyd thrown in.

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tisasawath Posted - 03/24/2013 : 03:50:55
much of death metal seems to me like much of any genre music, with the bands/artists too focused on the form and narrowly at that. the ones that are able and not afraid to visit different forms and focus on the content get my respect.
probably why i like this oldie from Napalm Death - Evolved As One http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4gUB_ZZph8
good also in electronic cover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwfe0g1FXxc
i guess that's a good litmus of song quality, cover versions
pot Posted - 03/23/2013 : 20:50:50
And Justice for all is epic, but still not in the same league as their first 3 with Cliff Burton. Getting Bob Rock to produce their 5th album was a bad idea, lost interest after that, as did most Metallica fans I think. They sold out so to get groupies and money, and if I'm entirely honest I would have done the same.

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floop Posted - 03/23/2013 : 20:19:12
Originally posted by pot

No because he is a twat, unfortunately. there's compulsive lying and there's compulsive lying/trying to get off with your girlfriend at the time.

Anyway fuck Carcass. I once met a guy who went to school with Metallica!

BeEt FaKt bithc

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in Brea? Lars what's his face went to high school in Brea, near where i grew up. i heard in his year book he said when he grew up he wanted to be a huge rock star. pretty good. not a huge Metallica fan but Justice For All i have fucked with, as the kids say

shout out to Thomas

green star member since 2006. smb?
pot Posted - 03/23/2013 : 18:18:21
No because he is a twat, unfortunately. there's compulsive lying and there's compulsive lying/trying to get off with your girlfriend at the time.

Anyway fuck Carcass. I once met a guy who went to school with Metallica!

BeEt FaKt bithc

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Jose Jones Posted - 03/23/2013 : 15:08:26
Originally posted by pot

I used to know a guy who went to school with the lead singer from Carcass.

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you don't even know the guy anymore? unimpressed.

they were the heroes of old, men of renown.
pot Posted - 03/23/2013 : 14:24:30
I used to know a guy who went to school with the lead singer from Carcass.

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Carl Posted - 03/23/2013 : 13:05:54


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