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 Deep Space 9 Marathon

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
realmeanmotorscutor Posted - 04/07/2004 : 18:40:25
Have any of you been watching DS9 on SpikeTV this week. I just finished my 19th hour in three days. Two more days to go. Suggestions on the best way to aquire a life are welcome.

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
coastline Posted - 04/07/2007 : 17:04:50
Whatever happened with this?

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
s_wrenn Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:48:30

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |
PixieSteve Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:45:35

"After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands." - Friedrich Nietzsche
s_wrenn Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:33:00
Exactly. I was aiming for one of those "Whatever happened with this" posts, so i randomly picked this thread because it had 0 posts in it. I accidentally posted three years to the day of the original post. If i was a bit more cunning i would have noticed this, and waited 2hrs and 20mins more and had it at the exact same time too.

T’would have been awesome

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |
misleadtheworld Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:29:09

s_wrenn Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:26:39
exactly three years late. i hadn't planned that you know. I'm so pleased with myself

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |
Llamadance Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:20:09
I thought this was going to be about the astronaut running the Boston Marathon in space. Imagine my joy when I found out it wasn't.

Suggestion: switch to Star Trek marathon when DS9 finishes

When you're going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill
s_wrenn Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:00:18

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |

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