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 The Word

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fbc Posted - 03/18/2010 : 10:48:34
just another 'work in progress' thread
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fbc Posted - 04/02/2010 : 10:44:49
Ah, cool. You should tab more often ;)
These things need a bit more meat on them.

For anyone interested, I play the opening "meh!" part with an F and Bb (1st fret), taking the index finger off.
The "C" I do something similar the best my finger can stretch. heh.

"The Word..." part definitely needs correcting.
Brank_Flack Posted - 03/20/2010 : 18:45:40
And the "today" bit after the "the word" refrain is a Bb, and when you have to repeat the chorus you transition by turning the Bb to a Bb/a
fbc Posted - 03/18/2010 : 10:50:43

----------------------|    |----------------------|
----------------------|    |----------------------|
----------------------| OR |----------------------| OR....meh!
---------3--3---5--5--|    |----------------------|
--3--3---1--0---3--2--|    |--3--3---7--7--10-10--|
--1--0----------------|    |--1--0---6--5---8--7--|

if you wanna chance...

   F   C   F   A#  F   C   A#

the word...

F  C#  F  Dm     

"The Word" segment could just be C# and Dm, leaving the other instruments to play the 'F'. During the quiet part where it's only FB's rhythm, it does sound like he plays an 'F', which is what i'm trying to tab.

[ed: just listened to this. the intro part might be

F E(m?)
A# F
C G}

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