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 When they come to murder me

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fenderbender Posted - 03/14/2010 : 11:36:35
Hi guys, first post so be gentle

Now i've done a search all over the net and can't find any tabs for one of my favourite Mr Black songs ever, When they come to murder me.

Has anyone tabbed this or am i just too much of a dumbass to work it out for myself?

any help would be greatly appreciated

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fbc Posted - 03/18/2010 : 13:01:29
Like all my tabs, they're both a guess and an interpretation yo!

keep the chord shape and use your pinky to hit the --7-- note.
pixiestu Posted - 03/18/2010 : 12:56:12
fbc, you beast! Gonna try this tomorrow!

"The arc of triumph"
fbc Posted - 03/18/2010 : 11:39:47
come back!! it goes a little something like this

   G#m     F#

third time is the charm...
   G#          C#                                  E     B

all you people...
   G#    C#    E     B

    don't cry
   C#       E

when they come to murder me...
   B    F#   E    G#

i forgot to tab a part. i'll do it when you're back

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