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 Der Golem tabs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tylerj_davis Posted - 03/13/2010 : 18:42:31
Any song will do.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fbc Posted - 03/18/2010 : 10:55:26
I can't wait to see them. Will save a lot of guessing.

Tylyerj: feel free to drop your tabs into seperate threads. might make it a little easier for whoever to find through search, plus we can flesh them out without confusing ourselves (well, me confusing myself ;)
hammerhands Posted - 03/18/2010 : 03:23:05
There are lead sheets in the Golem package!
fbc Posted - 03/18/2010 : 00:49:39
:) don't forget to correct me too! i'll update my tablature today.
tylerj_davis Posted - 03/17/2010 : 16:33:36
Thanks for the corrections and the new pieces FBC!

Miriam and Florian

starting at 1:09

Em (F#) G
Miriam and
C F# G
C B7
When no one's around

Em (F#) G
Long black curls and
C F# G
small white pearls
C B7
together found
Am C
lovers drowned

Em C-D G-A
(Single notes first time, chords the second time)

Last Part (Don't know if these are single notes, octaves, or minor chords)
A# A G# G F# F E D
fbc Posted - 03/17/2010 : 14:16:43
Originally posted by tylerj_davis

The Flower Song
C# G# A# F#
C# A A#

C# G# Fm F#
C# A A#m

fbc Posted - 03/17/2010 : 14:04:43


oo  oo
F#  E    

la la
B  D    

oo oo
F# E    

oola la
  D  B

fbc Posted - 03/17/2010 : 13:31:25

I'll come back to this one when i can see straight.

E(m?)       G      C     E(m?)      Bm(?)

c em d c a
tylerj_davis Posted - 03/14/2010 : 01:41:56
The Flower Song
C# G# A# F#
C# A A#

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