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 I Don't Live Here Anymore

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
space_has_done_me_good Posted - 01/04/2010 : 22:08:14
I posted this a while back and saw that it was missing, so I decided to post it again. This is an extra track of the Japanese Fast Man Raider Man album.

        D                          A
I don't live here anymore, I don't live here anymore
Bm                         G             A
  When was the last time I opened up the door
       D                           A
Like I did a million times, like I didn't see the signs
Bm                   G          A
  Thou my tears have long since dried
G                        A
Now I'm standing here outside
F#maj               Bm
 Berlin to Vegas we went to the show
    Fmaj                E         Am            Fmaj
And played our favorite tunes and howled at the moon
And watched the champagne flow
        D                           A
I don't drink here anymore, I don't drink here anymore
Bm                         G            A
  When was the last time I had myself a pour
        D                      A
Since I had me a toke, since I laughed at your joke
Bm                G            A
  But then alas a joke was not enough
G                 A
To keep my spirit up
F#maj                  Bm
 We lived in a memory, bound in a moment
   Fmaj         E        Am           Fmaj
To sing our own song, it didnft take long
We got lost in the tune
          D                           A
I used to know my way around, used to know my way around
Bm                      G                 A
  Now I get lost in the streets of my own town
     D                                 A
Everything here looks so strange, everything here looks the same
Bm              G            A
  Could it be I never did belong
    G                                  A
and is it time to write some different song

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ziggy Posted - 01/06/2010 : 22:02:40
vilainde Posted - 01/06/2010 : 09:45:41
What? I like Sad Old World! "Hello... No I mean... You!"


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
Ziggy Posted - 01/06/2010 : 01:31:11
'Sad Old World' is the winner of that title, vilainde!
fbc Posted - 01/06/2010 : 00:40:01
Recommend? | Report abuse
vilainde Posted - 01/05/2010 : 09:28:35
This song is the nadir of Frank's career. It's even worse than Violet.


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
fbc Posted - 01/05/2010 : 06:16:43
Thanks, space. Not sure, kella, but I'll take a slice.

A song you've had in your collection for time suddenly springs to life when you can relate to the lyrics. I like it when this happens.
kelladwella Posted - 01/05/2010 : 03:16:18
Does anybody know, who this song is about?
space_has_done_me_good Posted - 01/05/2010 : 02:23:31
I love this song too, and it was indeed written Reid Paley.
fbc Posted - 01/05/2010 : 02:00:10
I love this song. Was this one written with Reid Paley? I forget.

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