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 Lesson-a-Week: New House of the Pope

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LonesomeFetter Posted - 10/25/2009 : 14:05:26
Hi guys, I'm been gone for awhile but I'm back! And taking all requests!

Here's this week's lesson:

Song: New House of the Pope
Frank Black
Album: Show Me Your Tears


Intro: (Play riff until intruments kick in.)

Then Am, E, D(x4), Am, F, E, Am.

When she said she did not love me 
That’s when I lost all hope 
     Dm            Am
So I jumped into a river 
           F         E
Called The New House Of The Pope 

Now some they want their coffee 
And some just want their dope 
    Dm               Am
But lately I’ve been drinking 
       F            E
At The New House Of The Pope 

(Solo: Same chords as verse)

Now I do not even know, dear 
Who has made this symphony 
       Dm                  Am
But he gave you thirteen kisses 
           F       E
And that’s why you taste so sweet 

In the evening I want my coffee 
And in the morning I want my dope 
           Dm                Am
And in the afternoons I’m drinking 
       F         E
In the New House Of The Pope 
      Dm               Am            
Yeah, lately I’ve been drinking 
       F          E
At The New House Of The Pope

The song is fairly easy but you have to play that riff throughout the song. For example you can also play the 3rd fret note on the Dm chord in the chorus.

Tell me what you think and enjoy!

And say "everybody...
you're not just a duck...
You are HUMAN! Go forth and THRASH!" - Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth)
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
guidzie Posted - 11/27/2009 : 04:47:41
there is a G in verse, something like : [Am Am7)]x3 E G Dm Dm6....
Sugar denizen Posted - 11/01/2009 : 20:23:48
Thanks much Lonesome, sounds great.
I tried making a quick F-Fm7-E7 at the end of the verses. not sure if it's *correct*, but it's got a nice ring to it.
Brank_Flack Posted - 10/27/2009 : 14:34:31
Thanks, the new chords sound good to me! I'd really be interested in learning the flower song if you're in the mood for that one
LonesomeFetter Posted - 10/26/2009 : 11:53:12
Sorry, I did do this one in kind of a hurry.
Replace all of the E majors with E7s.
Also replace the F at the end of the verses with Fm7.

Like this:

           Dm                Am
And in the afternoons I’m drinking 
       F         Fm7
In the New House Of The Pope 



That better?

And say "everybody...
you're not just a duck...
You are HUMAN! Go forth and THRASH!" - Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth)
Sugar denizen Posted - 10/25/2009 : 23:03:31
Thanks alot for taking my request! sounds great, but I have a few questions\problems:

Probably just my lack of skills, but I feel like I'm not really getting the riff right.
Also, the F-E at the end of the verses sounds just a bit off...

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