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 Village of the Sun?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
roshambo_acres Posted - 01/18/2005 : 19:33:26
I haven't seen any tab for Village of the Sun. Did I just miss it, or hasn't it been added?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
frank black conspiracy Posted - 01/20/2005 : 10:45:58
These are the basic chords, but I knowthe lead parts make the tune too.
if you need any help with where or how to play the chords just post here.

verse: E G# C#M G# C#M G# C# B

chorus: E C#m E C#m G# F# B/ Bsus4 \ B

middle part:

E--0------2-------1------------ then into

E. C F# C F# C B

The chorus E is played at 7th fret and C#m 9th.

Chorus C#m =

Play some Bsus4s after the Bs, one of Franks little flicks like the above C#m.

When the Proverbs back, he'll blow this tab out of the water but in the mean time...

roshambo_acres Posted - 01/18/2005 : 20:07:34
Thanks. Wonderful stuff here. I just started playing enough to where I'm able to get a song out of the tab. I'm sure I'll be using it frequently.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 01/18/2005 : 19:43:03
Looks like we don't have it, sorry. I'm sure Derek is working on it between his various study efforts.

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