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 Pixies and FB Drum Setups

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Incanus Posted - 03/08/2004 : 00:39:39
Does anyone know where I can find out what setup David Lovering and
Scott Boutier have as far as drum kits?? I'm most interested in
replacing my snare drum and ride cymbal but I'm curious to see what
their whole setup is if someone knows where I can find it.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
brysonmeunier Posted - 03/11/2004 : 08:28:21
Originally posted by Incanus

Does anyone know where I can find out what setup David Lovering and
Scott Boutier have as far as drum kits?? I'm most interested in
replacing my snare drum and ride cymbal but I'm curious to see what
their whole setup is if someone knows where I can find it.

basic info on Pixies setup, from Musician Magazine, December 1990:

David Lovering plays a five-piece Pro Prestige Custom Kit; white, I only play white kits. He has three snares: a wooden Tama and two metal Bradys. I have to say that I use Zildjian now, but I also have Sabian and Paiste cymbals. It's all held together by a Pearl cage that Kim refers to as David's Neil Peart drum cage.

Found it on Alec Eiffel’s gear page (http://membres.lycos.fr/alec/gear.html), which is another great resource within another great resource (http://membres.lycos.fr/alec/). Check it.

- the HEY cafe -
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 03/11/2004 : 06:28:45
Yeah, the crash on our kit is cracked and chipped and has lost 40% of its sound. :( We need a second crash, too...

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
Incanus Posted - 03/11/2004 : 03:22:44
Hmm.. thanks for the info... I was using 5b's already just because I like em, but I guess theres another good reason. I really wanted to replace my ride cymbal this week though, was hoping to get one that sounds like the "St. Francis Dam Disaster" intro but I guess ill just have to take a good guess.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 03/08/2004 : 07:05:41
Not sure. I know that Scott uses Vader sticks (5B) and apparently also their Acousticks, though I've never seen them used nor had them thrown at me/Mike.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

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