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 BF does school of rock!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
misterwoe Posted - 05/19/2009 : 10:03:20
This gave me the tingles a number of times. Awesome stuff!


eyes burning
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
joe FITZ of molly BANG Posted - 04/02/2010 : 05:44:15
i was there. it was sold out and finally one of there mom's gave me an extra ticket that her other child didn't lose. and i got a poster!!

my band: www.myspace.com/mollybang

Skatealex1 Posted - 06/28/2009 : 17:48:13
maybe they should take over kim deal for a new pixies record :O
junkmale Posted - 06/28/2009 : 01:48:48
That's great, isn't it? That'll be something those kids won't forget, and I think that lead guitarist should be invited to join the BF band - he was pretty good! Actually, they are all pretty good players (especially the bsassists and the drummer on Wave)and these are some of the best versions I've ever heard!
MissMaceo Posted - 06/14/2009 : 08:56:06
"I'm still pretty speechless"


this made my day so far.
MissMaceo Posted - 06/14/2009 : 08:52:04
oh man, I'm gonna eat these clips up with a big fat spoon

floop Posted - 06/12/2009 : 08:16:43
how stoaked are those kids? i'd say pretty stoaked
OLDMANOTY Posted - 06/12/2009 : 04:42:45
They're pretty good!

School of Rock with FB - Hey
School of Rock with FB - Holiday Song
School of Rock with FB -Wave of Mutilation
School of Rock with FB - Where Is My Mind

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