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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jediroller Posted - 08/12/2007 : 13:54:48
Was this posted here before and I missed it?

if so, sorry


Awesome! I fuckin' shot this!
"Les Blackolero, y sont forts en sacramant" - Czar | 06/26/2007 | 20:10:34

free music | Blackolero | Frank Black & Pixies Tributes
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jediroller Posted - 08/15/2007 : 07:20:13
He's away on vacation!

Awesome! I fuckin' shot this!
"Les Blackolero, y sont forts en sacramant" - Czar | 06/26/2007 | 20:10:34

free music | Blackolero | Frank Black & Pixies Tributes
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/15/2007 : 04:05:08
Cool stuff. Richard still hasn't gotten back to me on eMusic, I'm guessing that it was an accident that it was leaked so early. Have you heard from yann lately, btw? Tell him I say hello if so.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
jediroller Posted - 08/15/2007 : 03:02:01
It was posted by a friend on a French forum, I don't know how she found out about it.

Awesome! I fuckin' shot this!
"Les Blackolero, y sont forts en sacramant" - Czar | 06/26/2007 | 20:10:34

free music | Blackolero | Frank Black & Pixies Tributes
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/15/2007 : 02:35:23
Nice, thanks Jedi. How'd you come across this?

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 08/14/2007 : 11:45:51
that monkey is very doolittle-esque.

It's 1969, okay.
jackruby Posted - 08/14/2007 : 10:43:58
Anybody else notice the grass on the album cover?
It moves, man.
Jason Posted - 08/14/2007 : 09:19:10
Originally posted by coastline

Originally posted by Jason

The sound quality of these songs on the official site is better than what leaked. I like "Captain Pasty" much more now. Pretty cool.

I haven't listened to these yet, but I wonder if the songs were remixed (like "Threshold Appreciation" before it was released as a single) or if you got crappy versions of what was leaked and that's why these sound better. The leaked version of the album was AIFF files (about 25 megabytes each), and they sound very crisp to my ear.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

I'd previously heard "Captain Pasty" via the Youtube video.

Seeing as how quickly the leak happened after the songs were recorded and how long it took from the time of the leak to any word on the album's release, I assume the leaked version hadn't gone through the final mastering stage yet (a common thing with records that leak early unauthorized.)
pixiestu Posted - 08/14/2007 : 09:07:32
Originally posted by matto

i wonder what the download is going to be?

I was thinking it would just be a way to download the album as mp3 through itunes or emusic. Maybe it's some sort of freebie though, I don't know.

"The arc of triumph"
coastline Posted - 08/14/2007 : 09:05:25
Originally posted by Jason

The sound quality of these songs on the official site is better than what leaked. I like "Captain Pasty" much more now. Pretty cool.

I haven't listened to these yet, but I wonder if the songs were remixed (like "Threshold Appreciation" before it was released as a single) or if you got crappy versions of what was leaked and that's why these sound better. The leaked version of the album was AIFF files (about 25 megabytes each), and they sound very crisp to my ear.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
matto Posted - 08/14/2007 : 08:41:41
i wonder what the download is going to be?

sminki pinki
kathryn Posted - 08/13/2007 : 17:26:06
Originally posted by pixiestu

Cool gallery.

Indeed. Thanks for posting the URL, jedi.

I never really noticed FB's hair going grey before.


I got some heaven in my head
pixiestu Posted - 08/13/2007 : 17:16:48
Cool gallery. I never really noticed FB's hair going grey before.

"The arc of triumph"
Jason Posted - 08/13/2007 : 16:19:31
The sound quality of these songs on the official site is better than what leaked. I like "Captain Pasty" much more now. Pretty cool.
vilainde Posted - 08/13/2007 : 01:23:49
BTW, The CV online store announces a "Free exclusive poster" with every purchase.


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
vilainde Posted - 08/13/2007 : 00:35:48
Thanks jedi.


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
Carl Posted - 08/12/2007 : 15:52:56
Excellent, Jedi!

"I hate how the reptile dreams it's a mammal. Scaley monster: be what you are!!" - Erebus.
fbc Posted - 08/12/2007 : 14:29:40
CV did a similar thing for Fastman Raiderman.

I think they're great too but wonder what kind of impact they have on sales. They're hard to find through search engines, and by the time you do find the link it's via a site that's already promoting/discussing the record. Saying that, the fan in me is interested in all things Frank Black, so, "cool".
billgoodman Posted - 08/12/2007 : 14:08:04
this is great! Finally some real effort to plug a new Frank album.
Well, that's not totally fair to his record companies who have done
their best for other records (do you remember the cool nadine animation?)
But still, I feel great momentum for this record.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

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