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 Bluefinger now OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE on e-music.com

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pachinko Posted - 08/04/2007 : 11:11:21
Hello, fellow Frank Black Francis-ophiles...
If you have an e-music account you may now download the OFFICIAL (ie., Frank gets paid) version of Bluefinger. If you don't have an account, you can check out the service free with enough downloads to get the album and then some. I highly recommend the site anyway, been a member for years...anyway, GET GOING!
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/09/2007 : 01:30:23
Originally posted by billgoodman

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

The other thing is if you use that link, eMusic donates a bit to FB.Net's coffers as well. So it's a triple win. Though they do a good business and support the right artists, so I don't want to encourage abusing them.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."

Ok, let's not abuse their service. But the least we can do is try their service in honor of Frank!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Heh... I'll link to that.

Not sure what's going on with eMusic; I did send Richard an email on their tracklisting, maybe he went and told them it wasn't supposed to be online yet? I guess I have to check my email and see...

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
lumpy Posted - 08/08/2007 : 21:07:30
Damn my coming in late. I don't think it's available at e-music anymore. I went as soon as I heard about this, and it keeps saying that the album is unavailable and all that shows up under black francis is the threshold single.

At least it will still be a special experience on the release date.
billgoodman Posted - 08/08/2007 : 12:38:59
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

The other thing is if you use that link, eMusic donates a bit to FB.Net's coffers as well. So it's a triple win. Though they do a good business and support the right artists, so I don't want to encourage abusing them.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."

Ok, let's not abuse their service. But the least we can do is try their service in honor of Frank!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Nate in the PDX Posted - 08/08/2007 : 10:19:46
Odd that the album doesn't seem to be coming up in a search on emusic right now... was this a limited-time offer?
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/08/2007 : 05:54:06
The other thing is if you use that link, eMusic donates a bit to FB.Net's coffers as well. So it's a triple win. Though they do a good business and support the right artists, so I don't want to encourage abusing them.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
billgoodman Posted - 08/08/2007 : 05:19:30
We should all download it with a free trial. I mean, it doesn't cost us a thing and Frank gets paid and attention.
After we can buy it online and a real shop, and maybe right from Frank on tour.
Buy one for your mother and her dog too.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/08/2007 : 03:39:28
Anyone wanting to grab Bluefinger off eMusic, you can do so here. This should bring you right to the page for members or let you download it free if you are new to eMusic.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
PixieSteve Posted - 08/08/2007 : 03:26:32
actually if i recall correctly, the original leaked version didn't have tags and so the track list was purely alphabetical.

but yeah, as well as the press release, blckfrncs also posted the track list at some point. i think he deleted it, but it remains quoted.

"Idiot" is just her sig.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/08/2007 : 02:44:24
I've asked the powers that be, hopefully an answer will be coming in the next day or two.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
coastline Posted - 08/07/2007 : 22:11:08
I bet it's a mistake on emusic. The leaked version makes tons more sense, especially with the title track at the end. There's no way that's anything but the last track. And if you look at madtempest's post a few weeks ago, where he shows the press kit he received, they're in the order we're used to there. I bet it's that way on the CD. Amazon doesn't have a tracklist yet, though, so it's hard to confirm.

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
Daisy Girl Posted - 08/07/2007 : 19:16:35
Very cool that this is out on emusic! Hopefully they will keep the track listing the same as the leaked version... it just seems to flow so well... but the good thing about any mp3 is that you can make your own playlist no matter what... :)

Pachinko Posted - 08/07/2007 : 12:22:38
I can't see any reason to think that the items that have actually been released (promo or press copy CDs, advanced mp3 release on e-music) are wrong, whereas a pre-order website would be right. I'll be shocked if it turns out different than the track listing we're all familiar with.
Pachinko Posted - 08/07/2007 : 12:21:42
Originally posted by ccuadros

Originally posted by two__spaces

Originally posted by ccuadros

The pre-order is available in cduniverse:


Anyone notice the tracks are listed a little differently to the promo version you can find online? I hope this is wrong and Captain Pasty is still the album opener.

i hope that this was a mistake

I can't see any reason to think that the items that have actually been released (promo or press copy CDs, advanced mp3 release on e-music) are wrong, whereas a pre-order website would be right. I'll be shocked if it turns out different than the track listing we're all familiar with.

ccuadros Posted - 08/07/2007 : 11:47:44
Originally posted by two__spaces

Originally posted by ccuadros

The pre-order is available in cduniverse:


Anyone notice the tracks are listed a little differently to the promo version you can find online? I hope this is wrong and Captain Pasty is still the album opener.

i hope that this was a mistake
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 08/07/2007 : 11:17:56
weird. threshold sucks as a closer, and you can't break a heart and have it sucks as an opener, imo.

"I have sex with only men." - Coastline
two__spaces Posted - 08/07/2007 : 11:07:32
Originally posted by ccuadros

The pre-order is available in cduniverse:


Anyone notice the tracks are listed a little differently to the promo version you can find online? I hope this is wrong and Captain Pasty is still the album opener.
coastline Posted - 08/06/2007 : 20:34:38
Originally posted by Born to Lose

Argh, now do I wait for the actual album with artwork or do I just give in?

It rocks! Give in! And then buy the CD, too.

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
ccuadros Posted - 08/06/2007 : 19:11:52
The pre-order is available in cduniverse:


Born to Lose Posted - 08/06/2007 : 18:58:05
Argh, now do I wait for the actual album with artwork or do I just give in?
Pachinko Posted - 08/05/2007 : 06:52:31
Originally posted by billgoodman

does Frank get paid if you get the Fee-trial?

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Yes, he still gets paid. E-music must be willing to take a hit in order to get new people to check out their service. I bet it works out for them though, because they just seem to add more and more labels to the site...something must be going well for them.
billgoodman Posted - 08/05/2007 : 03:00:32
does Frank get paid if you get the Fee-trial?

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Skatealex1 Posted - 08/04/2007 : 22:33:18
wow thats cool

The Truth Is Out There
coastline Posted - 08/04/2007 : 12:02:07
For all you people who've said on here that you're waiting for the official release, there you go!

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.

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