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 Gyaneshwar Video

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MikeW Posted - 12/03/2006 : 20:45:46
forwarded to me from a friend:


35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
VoVat Posted - 01/31/2007 : 22:00:15
By the way, the Pixies section of Frank's digital collection also included "El Rey de Hawaii"

Ah, but that's not the REAL El Rey.

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."
fbc Posted - 12/22/2006 : 12:29:41
I never picked up from the YouTube vid the "who ya momma*" lyric. What a funny little discovery. And neat.

(* or something like that)

Forgot to say, "Ooh! Se Donna, Who ya momma" for any few wondering where it fits in.

Now where's that misheard lyrics thread!
MMD Posted - 12/09/2006 : 13:00:50
Originally posted by Carl

Didn't think this was gonna be an official video, nice! And is that the real Adam Buxton posting comments? My YouTube username is Fudgestar!

Looks like it, I know Adam Buxton has a youtube account and we know he's a big FB fan, they even had him on the Adam And Joe Show.

“Not since Orson Welles had one man so many fingers in so many pies, and been the chef as well. And then looked like he went and ate them all. The guy was out of control.”
Carl Posted - 12/08/2006 : 11:36:35
Didn't think this was gonna be an official video, nice! And is that the real Adam Buxton posting comments? My YouTube username is Fudgestar!

fumanbru Posted - 12/07/2006 : 18:39:54
it's great to see frank making some vid's again! and julian is looking pretty cool.....looks like the family had a pretty good time making this one.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
The Happening Posted - 12/07/2006 : 17:10:27
So, was Gyaneshwar one of the Pixies reject songs that sounded too cliché to Frank? Because if so, he must have his standards in another galaxy because this song is amazing.
billgoodman Posted - 12/07/2006 : 11:39:16
Yeah, considering your points I think you're right Grotesque.

On another note, I don't think these songs will be Pixies now that they are on a FB-album.
And being played that often. I would go for the big 'surprise' instead of this.
But yes, they could be great Pixies songs, but as for now they are amazing FB-songs!

God save the Noisies
matto Posted - 12/07/2006 : 09:36:31
it's never too late... we have 3 weeks till january

sminki pinki
Grotesque Posted - 12/07/2006 : 09:35:45
That kim deal country story goes too far, it is starting to have a life of its own!
That was just from a recent Frank interview, something like "the other pixies fear that I come up with country songs".
Anyway, those two new songs (from the videos) worth to be pixiesified , lets SHOUT it!
Or is it too late?
matto Posted - 12/07/2006 : 09:19:06
kim deal, of ohio, fears country

oh my!

sminki pinki
Grotesque Posted - 12/07/2006 : 09:17:58
Yes, this was a cover. But "Full On Iddle" (that appears both on the amps album and Title TK) is country punk.
billgoodman Posted - 12/07/2006 : 09:14:45
I think it's weird that Kim Deal fears country
she like country a lot actually
and the breeders did one (drivin' on 9) on Last Splash

God save the Noisies
Grotesque Posted - 12/07/2006 : 08:54:27
Originally posted by Frog in the Sand

According to Frank's (now dead) mog, "Gyaneshwar" and "She's My Way" were actually written for the Pixies.

So it was not good enough for Kim Deal? Strange... I though she just feared country frank black style (like, lets say, ¨goodbye lorraine)but this is pure genuine pixies, better than a lot of pixies song actually.
When Frank himself said he failed to write pixies songs again I imagined something much much worse.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/06/2006 : 18:06:45
I think it's just for the fans on the internet. Could be the secret track on the DVD, though, I suppose...

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
matto Posted - 12/06/2006 : 17:51:27
so, what is this video for anyway? is it on the dvd or wot?

sminki pinki
1965 Posted - 12/06/2006 : 16:39:35
Great tune & very good video too. Nice montage of images. Simple ideas/production are often the best.

(( I'm a Snake... ))
coastline Posted - 12/06/2006 : 12:08:20
I'm starting to like Gyaneshwar, too. It has taken me a while, though. Hearing Dean and Brian pick it apart a little on the podcast helped stimulate my interest. And hearing it several times is helpful too -- like many of Frank's songs, it just wasn't an instant hit for me, but it's grown. And I'm with matto -- the minute I heard this song last month, I thought it sounded like a Pixies song.

I could not find my honeycomb.
matto Posted - 12/06/2006 : 10:18:28
ok no men in black video... I'll check the magic FBnet FTP or something tonight when I'm dreaming

Gyaneshwar is such a Pixies song. It will be nice when they re-record it in January and then release it as a cd5 enhanced video single a week before their double album.

I mean, right?

sminki pinki
Jason Posted - 12/06/2006 : 06:07:20
Very sweet video. Clearly homemade by Frank, Violet, and the kids.

The song has grown on me something fierce, too. I'll admit that I didn't care for it when I first heard it (played live last October in Dallas), but it's sounds rockin' to me now.
Frog in the Sand Posted - 12/06/2006 : 04:52:42
Oh, and I LOVE "Gyaneshwar" - even more than "Deadman's Curve" maybe.

BLACKOLERO le only Frank Black / Pixies site 100% in français
Frog in the Sand Posted - 12/06/2006 : 04:49:01
According to Frank's (now dead) mog, "Gyaneshwar" and "She's My Way" were actually written for the Pixies. By the way, the Pixies section of Frank's digital collection also included "El Rey de Hawaii", "Storm" and "Skip This Part"...

BLACKOLERO le only Frank Black / Pixies site 100% in français
frankoholic Posted - 12/06/2006 : 00:17:50
Am I crazy or is this song very Pixie-ish? Best video ever. It is so nicely cut, I can't believe Frank did this (considering his impatience for new media).
TRANSMARINE Posted - 12/05/2006 : 11:37:21
Originally posted by matto

Originally posted by MikeW
I love the Men In Black video. I like the realness of it, with Frank making a peanut butter sandwich and stuff.

hey - I never seen that one. I should check youtube. a pb+j, no kidding... that might be the be-all-end-all. thanks for the tip-see!

sminki pinki

I've checked YouTube before for that video...doesn't exist on there, unfortunately. It is a great video...hope it turns up as all the rest should as well on a legit release.

His name is Dalton. He's got a degree in philosophy.
darwin Posted - 12/05/2006 : 11:21:01
Originally posted by MikeW

according to my friend, Frank recorded this on his cell phone....

How very DIY. I like the looseness of the small CD release and various tours.
matto Posted - 12/05/2006 : 11:18:01
Originally posted by MikeW
I love the Men In Black video. I like the realness of it, with Frank making a peanut butter sandwich and stuff.

hey - I never seen that one. I should check youtube. a pb+j, no kidding... that might be the be-all-end-all. thanks for the tip-see!

sminki pinki
Grotesque Posted - 12/05/2006 : 09:18:32
Ok I had the answer, its from Christmass of course.
Grotesque Posted - 12/05/2006 : 09:11:43
Great! Sounds and looks like Frank is really awake, just like "In The Time Of My Ruin". I liked the Catholics, but this new song got a "here and now" feeling. The kind of song you like to hear more when you wake up than when you go to sleep.
Now, to be very clear and dumb because I m not 100% sure, is this a song from Christmass or the Eric Drew Feldman project ??? (or something else)
MikeW Posted - 12/04/2006 : 20:02:35
Originally posted by matto

i'm not pulling your leg, this is my favorite fb video ever, and it's my favorite video in general ever, after ub40's 'red red wine'. for reals!

sminki pinki

I love the Men In Black video. I like the realness of it, with Frank making a peanut butter sandwich and stuff.
MikeW Posted - 12/04/2006 : 19:37:12
according to my friend, Frank recorded this on his cell phone....
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 12/04/2006 : 13:59:03
Is he singing into a banana in the beginning?

Brank_Flack Posted - 12/04/2006 : 13:31:52
very good video :D
matto Posted - 12/04/2006 : 11:04:27
i'm not pulling your leg, this is my favorite fb video ever, and it's my favorite video in general ever, after ub40's 'red red wine'. for reals!

sminki pinki
stymie Posted - 12/04/2006 : 10:32:49
Why does the copy look so shitty? How come no other videos have been made in forever or has there been?
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 12/04/2006 : 07:47:39
Yeah, it deserves its own thread with a more descriptive title.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
pixiestu Posted - 12/04/2006 : 07:06:49
I don't know, maybe the video can have this as its own discussion thread?

Personally, I like the video. It's a bit different, like the song is a bit different to anything I've heard before from Frank.

"The arc of triumph"

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