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 Minneapolis show broadcast

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
spnews Posted - 01/24/2025 : 10:31:47
Can someone record this and share ??

HEY FRIENDS! Tonight, Friday 1/24, our Minneapolis Frank Black ‘Teenager Of The Year’ show will come LIVE to you from the internet radio!! Just go, a bit before 8:30PM CST (6:30 PST..), to www.thecurrent.org , please look for a “live” button, & we’ll play TOTY just for You! Hope to hear you yelling at us!! Thnx. #9996;#127995;#10084;#65039;#127926;#128125;#128591;#127995;
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anazgnos Posted - 02/10/2025 : 04:47:55
Not related to the broadcast, but somebody did get most of the show on video, from the front row:

Discoking Posted - 02/08/2025 : 22:23:40
i guess nobody saw my post in the couple of hours between posting and the start of the broadcast.
in hindsight, i should've just recorded the stream from the moment i went to sleep until i got up.

it's educational
peter radiator Posted - 02/08/2025 : 08:29:56
I find it hard to believe no one grabbed this and archived it in any way...


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Discoking Posted - 02/08/2025 : 05:41:39
i'm going to guess that it wasn't recorded?

it's educational
The Holiday Son Posted - 02/06/2025 : 10:20:06
Any news about this ?
Discoking Posted - 01/25/2025 : 10:28:33
i searched and found that there's another stream available.
it's a 128 kbps mp3 stream. i wouldn't call that high-res either, but it should be an improvement over the 48 kbps aac stream.

the way to capture this stream is very similar to the steps described above.
simply replace the command by: ffmpeg -i https://current.stream.publicradio.org/current.mp3 -c:a copy output.mp3

(it's possible to already try this out now, to see if it works and get a little practice. the stream is always there.)

it's educational
Discoking Posted - 01/25/2025 : 10:06:37
that's 3:30 AM here, unfortunately. that's not going to work out for me.

that stream doesn't seem to be high-res at all. :(
and i'm not seeing a way to increase the quality on that website. there only seems to be one 48kbps aac stream.
is this the only place this is being broadcast?

the url of the live stream: https://current.stream.publicradio.org/current.aac

capturing this stream works for me if i do this:
- download ffmpeg (https://ffmpeg.org/download.html)
- execute this command: ffmpeg -i https://current.stream.publicradio.org/current.aac -c:a copy output.m4a
- press 'q' to stop capturing after the show is over

this captures the stream without any re-encoding.
so the result should be the exact same quality as what is being broadcast.
i think that's a good place to start.

if someone could have a go, that'd be very much appreciated.
the result won't be high-res at all, but should still be listenable. better than nothing?

it's educational
peter radiator Posted - 01/24/2025 : 14:18:28
Due to a misunderstanding, there has been a correction:

The show is being recorded TONIGHT, but won't be broadcast until TOMORROW.

Hope this info helps.

And yes, does someone have the technical ability to grab a super-high-res recording of this stream?


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