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 The Los Angeles Show (night 1)!!! SETLIST!!!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
raddood69 Posted - 10/16/2007 : 00:52:31
Where is my mind? (played on kazoo)
I wish They All Could Be California Girls (belly & nipples)
Enter Sandman (metallica Cover)
at this point he demanded a DJ play a bunch of songs (mainly Beyonce) while he danced around.
then he demanded 2 minutes of silence for princess diana which the bass player interrupted with a giant fart.
cover of "i love LA" (Randy Newman Cover featuring Randy Newman naked)

BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dmarkcox Posted - 10/16/2007 : 10:48:46
Blackness entered by the front patio and followed an escort to the stage. He came. This is what he did, he asked for the lights up so he can make the complicated chord changes for Rabbit, he said he won't need them afterwards. With a three piece band, the players on the album, they rocked. He talked about Violet and about his Rock Opera. Burly men shouted "We Love You Frank!" One was kicking the air. They went through Bluefinger in no particular order taking time to explain each song and to tease whether they will encore or not. Kudos to the club and glory to the gods. The show was the best I've ever seen.

Ten Miles to Kingwood
BLT Posted - 10/16/2007 : 08:49:39
It's true. I was there. When he did the "look at that bum over there" line in "I Love LA," there actually was a bum over there. On Sunset Boulevard.
billgoodman Posted - 10/16/2007 : 02:25:27
don't do drugs on the forum please

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

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