They do Greens and Blues, Silver Snail and Monkey Gone to Heaven. Monkey sounds particularly great here. Twisted as ever, but almost hymnal - it's got a David Lynch meets southern baptist church vibe.
Overall though I think this is a lovely performance, one of a number of live performances recently where they seem to have rethought tracks from of Indie Cindy, going slower and with a more spaced-out vibe, similar to the Spotify session. The band actually seems really, really happy, somehow.
Again Paz drops the bass in favour of the violin, which sounds great. I wonder if this is being keep for the smaller online sessions or is something they'd carry through to the live shows?
I don't think the Pixies have ever sounded more and yet somehow less Pixies since 2004. There seems to have been more development in their approach and sound in the last two months than in the last 10 years. Which can only be a good thing.