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 All Over the World -- Pixies Live!
 Olympia 3 rd night

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sam Posted - 10/04/2009 : 08:09:47
Hey all, was at the 3rd and final night of the Pixies at the Olympia. What a night, it was fantastic. The intensity of the performance was huge. They opened with dance the manta ray. It was great to hear that with a full band, weird at my school and Baileys walk sounded excellent too. FB's screams for the line "on parking lots and big highways, DAAIILLY" was great. Much the same set list as the other nights, however we were lucky enough to get a second encore. They gave us "where is my mind" and the roof nearly came off the Olympia. Must say, i noticed none of the supposed animosity, it was the Pixies just like the Pixies always are, a purely intense performance, some banter from Kim and huge bows to close the show from all four of them. I have seen the Pixies numerous times but this was the best gig yet. The sound was perfect and hearing Doolittle in its entirety was special. For those who have tickets to the upcoming shows, you are in for a a treat.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Carl Posted - 10/05/2009 : 02:58:46
Stae Magazine - Pixies photo special.

Nialler9 Music Blog - Pixies – Last show @ Olympia Theatre, Dublin.

Spin Magazine Online - WATCH: Pixies Debut 'Doolittle' Tour.

Prefix Magazine - Pixies Launch Doolittle Tour in Dublin (Video).
Paul Posted - 10/04/2009 : 13:20:36
Happy days, good news about a second encore. Sounds like a really good night!
trobrianders Posted - 10/04/2009 : 11:03:41
Thank You Dublin. A fabulous 3 nights at the legendary Olympia Theatre. Tonight we finally got it right.
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Ed is the hoo hoo

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