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T O P I C    R E V I E W
the big quasar Posted - 04/06/2007 : 22:57:32
Greetings and salutations,
Here's a selection of photos from the Australian tour, taken at the Big Top, Sydney V and Gold Coast V. These three gigs were sublime but the Gold Coast probably wins for best sound and crowd reaction. Best show ever.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
debaserrr Posted - 04/25/2007 : 15:50:14
what ever happend to franks double humbucker tele? he used that all the time back in the day

boom chicka boom

"what is it charles?"
"what? The arc of triumph!"
matto Posted - 04/10/2007 : 21:44:14
They don't look old at all. They so look like a rock n roll band that could play for years on....

sminki pinki
Ziggy Posted - 04/08/2007 : 11:41:35
I love Frank's Telecaster. And he looks so trim.
Mac E. Doobage Posted - 04/08/2007 : 06:30:36
Levoln Helm looks great!
Jefrey Posted - 04/07/2007 : 23:42:56
I have those sunglasses from the first pic.

But they're not transitionals.

== jeffamerica ==

-He played piano really fuckin' good.
Carl Posted - 04/07/2007 : 07:21:20
Hiya Quasar!! Yep, that fourth pic is a classic.

The entrance to Luna Park is scary...it's like some funfair of death!
fbc Posted - 04/07/2007 : 04:46:30
I love the fourth pic
billgoodman Posted - 04/07/2007 : 04:32:21
Great, check the beard on dave, it looks spot on. I love the way Frank and Kim look, ten times better than before the reunion.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
The_Eugene Posted - 04/07/2007 : 01:23:17
Cool shots! Do you have any more of Luna Park?

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